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2 for 1 Trade on the way...

D Will Texas

Well-Known Member
KOC's vision for the Jazz has been crystallized this offseason, especially by Evans' new contract.

Does anybody really think Evans was paid to be the 5th big off the bench? Look for either Big Al or Millsap to be shipped with either Watson/Bell to a team for future considerations + filler

There's a log jam at certain positions and this deal would really help open things up.

PG: Mo Willy, Tinsley, Bulldog
SG: Hayward, Burks
SF: Marvin, Carroll, Murphy
PF: Favors, Millsap, Pogo
C: Jefferson, Kanter

KOC's smart as hell and loves it SOUTHERN.... he knows whats up next . LOOK FOR DEAL TO BE COMPLETED DURING TRAINING CAMP OR DEADLINE
I like this trade. I like the value we get back for who we give up. Do the salaries work?
Actually it would be best to get future assets for Al in order to delay some of our flexibility. Obviously it's unlikely all 4 of the young core are going to retire from the Jazz and go straight to the HOF and clearly we aren't getting an all star PG in the near future.
Does anybody really think Evans was paid to be the 5th big off the bench?

KOC's smart as hell

I think that is exactly what they paid Evans to be - the 5th big.

As for KOC being smart, I agree. Not saying there won't be another deal though it won't surprise me is we are done. What will surprise me is any deal that doesn't keep Evans as the 5th big.
It means they are going to trade the 14M/yr guy because he is easily replaced by the 1.75M/yr guy.

Yes, that's an excellent point, you mad genius. You make perfect sense as always. Evans can easily replace Jefferson - of course! - because they are very similar players with the exact same skill set. In fact, when most scouts talk about Evans, they usually say the same thing: "Oh man, he's just like Al Jefferson!"
Yes, that's an excellent point, you mad genius. You make perfect sense as always. Evans can easily replace Jefferson - of course! - because they are very similar players with the exact same skill set. In fact, when most scouts talk about Evans, they usually say the same thing: "Oh man, he's just like Al Jefferson!"

Uhhh. You aren't replacing Al with Evans. You are replacing Al with Favors, Favors with Kanter, and quite possibly other big man that impressed you with Kanter. Evans is replacing Evans. Nice guy at the end of the bench that is cheap and can get a few cheap points.
Uhhh. You aren't replacing Al with Evans. You are replacing Al with Favors, Favors with Kanter, and quite possibly other big man that impressed you with Kanter. Evans is replacing Evans. Nice guy at the end of the bench that is cheap and can get a few cheap points.

Uhhhhh...if you were actually paying attention, you'd see that the post I was responding to explicitly said Evans would be Jefferson's replacement. I was responding to that statement and that statement only.
No trade is going to happen till we see this team on the court and KOC can see how our young guys have improved.