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2011 draft.....

I know we don't have a 2nd round pick, but I really like Chandler Parsons from Florida. Not enough to take him with our 2nd lottery pick, but if we had a later first round pick I'd definitely take him. Also I don't understand how a good shooter like him can be absolutely terrible from the FT line. That annoys me.
Not sure how or why this popped in my head but for some reason I thought it would be entertaining if HOU drafted Jimmer, considering how much clutchfans despises everything from Utah and I'm sure many Y fans feel the same about the Rockets the entertainment value should be great.
Impressed by Tristan Thomas but he claims he's going back to school.
The Jazz don't have a pick worth spending on Thompson.

I'm also curious why Doron Lamb isn't considered a legit SG prospect. If he were to throw his name in, wouldn't some team pick him in the first round? Has anyone watched enough of Kentucky to have an opinion?
Yeah, I tuned into Kentucky games so I could check out Terrence Jones and Brandon Knight, but the first one I took notice of was Lamb. He looks every bit as good to me as these other guys. Well, Brandon Knight had a huge day today so maybe he's a notch above - or maybe I'm just a prisoner of the moment.
yeah, I was gawking at those highlights a few days ago. The guy wants to kill you when he gets into the lane.

the scouting reports give hope that he can develop a consistent shot as well. It would be hard to be disappointed with that pick if he does. At 6'11'' and with hops out of the gym, he is going to be a match-up nightmare at SF.

I might take Vesely over Perry Jones because Vesely looks to have the mental toughness and killer instinct that Perry Jones lacks, and offensively he shows the potential that we all wished AK had. If he can develop his jumper and handle a bit more, he could do some of the things Kevin Durant does. He can really get out and run, and you can tell he really wants to play. He loves the game.
Utah Jazz please draft Jimmer Fredette, he is definitely not going to fall to them with the 12th-15th pick. I say draft Fredette with the Nets pick no matter if it is the 5th-7th pick. He can hit it from everywhere, his defense is improving, and he is averaging 33 points and 7 assists in two tournament games. That's for everybody who says he can't pass! Harris is a good point guard, but he isn't the answer for the future Jimmer is!
"Defense is improving?"

"The future [is] Jimmer?"

"Draft Fredette with the Nets pick no matter [what?]"

I really do hope your post count remains at 11.
I have seen some mock sites with us taking Jimmer at 6, and after the stretch for Hayward it is not out of the question KOC takes him at 6.
I hear he is not a PG, but his passing skills blow away those of Devin Harris from what I've seen.
Hey, I'm fine with the Jazz drafting Jimmer but not until the second lottery pick. He'll last til then, seriously. Don't waste the first lottery pick on a PG. If it's Irving then we can discuss the pick but even then I'm not sure I'd want the Jazz to draft a PG with their first pick.

Even if it's Vesely or Jimmer with the #6 pick you take Vesely.
With BYU potentially making it to the Final Four, Jimmer Fredette is not going to last to the 12th-15th pick. Unless we get a top three pick and get Kyrie Irving, Derrick Williams, or Harrison Barnes, I say draft Jimmer. I meant Fredette is the future at the point guard position and yes if you did watch him today he did pretty good on defense defending the three point shots by Gonzaga. He's definitely a better passer than Devin Harris and he is averaging 7 assists per game in the big dance and the big spotlight not to mention 33 points per game to go with it.
13 noooo!!!!!!!!!! :(

I think that I have made my point clear and you can continue to be a Fredette hater as well as a hater of me, go ahead.
i think we should be focusing on begging to bring carlos boozer back to utah, and if not that trying to clone him by getting al jefferson to collect sweat off him with a que tip during low post play.
What do you all think of this comparison for Jimmer..... Mark Price!

Good shooter from what I remember was a scoring pg who could shoot lights out, and didn't get many assists wasn't that athletic at least no more than Jimmer.
Well if Jimmer keeps playing like he did today then he will not be available at 12-14 with the Jazz pick. I thought today he looked like he could be a PG in the NBA instead of an undersized SG. I still have a problem with his shot selection sometimes but that can easily be coached away once he realizes he doesn't have to score the majority of his team's points.

I couldn't believe this was the same BYU team that I watched against SDSU and Wofford. If the rest of the team plays this well then perhaps BYU can win a few more games. Florida vs BYU is going to be a great game.