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2020 Presidential election

She does represent a large segment of the young barfly chic reflexive diss on men generally.

I tell ya, gotta be carefully trying to pick a chic nowadays. I mean, it's always been a dangerous thing to do, but there is a distinct set of ready believers for any distressed chic who thinks she can control men, any man just wants to laugh at her, or say anything at all. Let alone be crude about it.

Gotta be worth ten percent to Biden.3

Well, less the twenty percent of us who are just tired of the schtick.

I actually have some respect for people wo dislike the above comment. I mean, really, "barfly chic".

In all fairness, very few women ever get an actual chance to be either self-sufficient or respectable, according to the pecking orders run by the females' of any species.

I didn't mean the term as a pejorative. One of the stupidest somgs ever was the one about the "Uptown Girl". At least no song rankled me quite so much. Pure stupidity.

The lower castes of women are the ones who make the best friends and most wholesome lovers.l

But here is an example of what's really gone wrong with Us, particularly "Liberals". The idea of there being some "right" anything which "we" need to speak out for or agin. why can't we just let people be what they are, and say what they want.

To go to the trouble of deleting insupportable crap from Google, or the crazy insanity of inventing things like "peer reviewed journals" to establish, let's say rather....."authorize"...... any fact or belief as something that can no longer be questioned, disbelieved, or disliked..... is basically gargantuan imbecilty .

yah. That is what Xi in China is all about. He's the worst we've ever had in the history of mankind. And his thousands of microinstructions on how everyone should think and be.

Sad to see our "Democrats" falling in line and adopting all that crap. You're idiots, not Americans.
Hey now that we know NRA leadership are frauds and probably criminals, maybe we get people who understand guns and support the 2nd amendment to form a group that keeps guns from mentally ill and dangerous people? Then everyone else can enjoy their guns and move on?

And remember that Obama was going to take all your guns. And now Biden is going to take all your guns. So let’s not be gullible and understand the lies and propaganda.

Yeah, I guess when you are worship Trump and one of the corrupt political party above everything else you wouldn't understand what apologizing is. See, normally when someone lies and gets caught, gives bad information, says something stupid or just offensive things they apologize for it. Glad I could help you out. I guessing you will keep posting those funny bad information memes and Tweets apologetically still though.

Keep up the fight making people realize how dumb blind obedience to a party and a really bad president is! These memes are working!
Yeah, I guess when you are worship Trump and one of the corrupt political party above everything else you wouldn't understand what apologizing is. See, normally when someone lies and gets caught, gives bad information, says something stupid or just offensive things they apologize for it. Glad I could help you out. I guessing you will keep posting those funny bad information memes and Tweets apologetically still though.

Keep up the fight making people realize how dumb blind obedience to a party and a really bad president is! These memes are working!
Whatever Ronald.
Hey now that we know NRA leadership are frauds and probably criminals, maybe we get people who understand guns and support the 2nd amendment to form a group that keeps guns from mentally ill and dangerous people? Then everyone else can enjoy their guns and move on?

And remember that Obama was going to take all your guns. And now Biden is going to take all your guns. So let’s not be gullible and understand the lies and propaganda.

Biden is gonna take away god too.
He was never up to this job.

From what I've read he was pretty good at running a private resort that served well done steak with ketchup on top.


It’s amazing how unqualified he is for the job. It’s just stunning. I mean I just can’t believe how completely clueless he looks and sounds in this clip:

Just imagine what folks like Putin have done to exploit this guy and undermine American interests around the world.
JOP and JOBS are not the same, idiot.
Lol, the word president is after the acronym. This is hard for you. I guess you were not smart enough to guess what the word is since it's a blocked word. I'll help you out bull and a word that starts with an S. You know the word it a word any reasonable person would describe the job Trump has done as president of anything, it's another word for poop. JOBS president.....

Lol, the word president is after the acronym. This is hard for you. I guess you were not smart enough to guess what the word is since it's a blocked word. I'll help you out bull and a word that starts with an S. You know the word it a word any reasonable person would describe the job Trump has done as president of anything, it's another word for poop. JOBS president.....
Bull shampoo?
Bull shimmy?
Bull slap?
Bull spank?