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2023 NBA Playoffs Discussion Thread

What a great atmosphere for a playoff game. Kings fans have always been among the loudest in the league...when the Kings are good at least.

So my buddy gets a suite a few times a year and invites me… he brings a lot of his kids friends too… one kid who we had never met until is sitting in the third row of the SUV. We are driving up the parking structure when he looks up and says “I feel blahahahhwww!!!” He projectile vomits from the third row to the first and sprays that **** like he’s a rainbird. Me and my two buddies look at each other in a panic that you’ve never seen… wtf do we do now? No wives… this isn’t any of our kids. One of my buddies becomes a hero and says get the kid out and try and clean them up and he will park the car… he finds some paper towels and tries to get as much out as he can… dry heaving the whole time. Gives up and leaves the windows down in the garage.

So the rest of the night my rich friend is trying to get his car guy to come swap out the car and take it for cleaning… they guy is in Reno… we are out of luck. We call the kids parents and they inform us he gets car sick a lot… something that you should tell people before they take your kid and throw him in the back of an suv and have them stare at phones and **** for 30 minutes. We tell the kid no food cuz we don’t want him throwing up. The parents would not come to pick him up… insisting he is fine. The little bastard sneaks some food and is throwing up in the trash can in the suite like 2 minutes later. This time we tell the parent to come get him.

The ride home was horrible… it stunk so bad. We left the windows down the whole ride home… on the freeway… it was January. My buddy had the car cleaned like 10 times and shampooed the carpet like 5-6 times… still felt like he could smell it… he literally gave up and sold the car.

It was the worst night of my life.
You have an awesome life then.
Can we just pause for a minute and talking about how Fing good NBA players are? Such incredible athletes.
Most elite athletes in the world and I will not be convinced otherwise. 3D chess at 20 miles an hour but at least 8 of the guys on the floor have to be able to shoot a sphere 9.5" in diameter through a rim that is 18" in diameter from 25 feet away. Oh, and basically everyone is the tallest person anyone has ever seen in their life. And most of them can jump 3 feet in the air. And they play 82 games in 5.5 months with a postseason that lasts 2 months.