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83%, AK is the weakest link


Active Member
I was looking at AK's stats and I noticed something interesting. Over the course of his career has played in 617 of the available 738 games. That is 83%. Boozer in contrast has played in 77% of the games of his career and people classify Booze as soft.

My belief is that AK is too soft/fragile/weak to play a full 82 game season. What do I base that on? The fact that the last time he played all 82 games was his rookie season. The past two seasons he has played in 76% of the available games. His body simply can't stand up to the day to day pounding the NBA generates.

With this in mind, I think it would be foolish to not move AK. Even if he were willing to settle for less money next year, why do we want a guy that over the past 2 years 25% of the time has not been able to play to eat up 7 or 8 million dollars of our cap space?

It's apparant that AK's best days are behind him. I see no reason why we don't move him this year for either a stud 2 guard or a shot blocking 5.
I was looking at AK's stats and I noticed something interesting. Over the course of his career has played in 617 of the available 738 games. That is 83%. Boozer in contrast has played in 77% of the games of his career and people classify Booze as soft.

My belief is that AK is too soft/fragile/weak to play a full 82 game season. What do I base that on? The fact that the last time he played all 82 games was his rookie season. The past two seasons he has played in 76% of the available games. His body simply can't stand up to the day to day pounding the NBA generates.

With this in mind, I think it would be foolish to not move AK. Even if he were willing to settle for less money next year, why do we want a guy that over the past 2 years 25% of the time has not been able to play to eat up 7 or 8 million dollars of our cap space?

It's apparant that AK's best days are behind him. I see no reason why we don't move him this year for either a stud 2 guard or a shot blocking 5.

Nobody is willing to trade a stud guard or a shot blocking center for AK. That is the problem. And even if a team did do that. It would most likely be a bad contract. Meaning we would be in the luxury tax next year also. So its not a viable option. We either keep him or we trade him for nothing.
Nobody is willing to trade a stud guard or a shot blocking center for AK. That is the problem. And even if a team did do that. It would most likely be a bad contract. Meaning we would be in the luxury tax next year also. So its not a viable option. We either keep him or we trade him for nothing.

While I'm sure it will be very difficult, these kinds of deals do happen. However, even if we can't get one of those two assets back, I would advocate dumping him or offering him the MLE as a max for 2 or 3 years.
AK's a love-hate relationship. He's great when he's on the court but he's also on the sidelines when you need him the most. If he wasn't paid so much it obviously wouldn't be as big of a problem, you pay guys big $$$ to be out there helping the team.
There were stretches last season where AK was our best player. You are irrational.

That is the problem AK can only be counted on for a short stretch. Last year he missed the Nuggets and most of the Laker series but got little criticism for it. Yea the other guy is the irrational one so you must be the delusional one. AK is overrated. He fizzled out after a couple good years. Yes he can show up every once in a while but as players get old they become less reliable or unable to be consistent especially an average player like AK.
now i get it: your second sentence is a rebuttal of the premise of your first sentence.

Incorrect. AK won games for us last year. He wasn't consistent over the course of the entire year -- and especially disappointed towards the end, with those repeated hamstring injuries. But there was a stretch of 20 games or so when AK was playing terrific basketball. We went 18-2 during that span, and Deron Williams said AK was our most important player, and that when he plays well, we are very very hard to beat. I agreed. When AK brings it, the Jazz can be pretty spectacular. Do I wish he brought it more? Do I wish he was the AK of old? Do I wish he played every game? Yes, of course.

But he's not even close to being the "weakest" link. Is he our worst player? On the contrary. Does he miss the most games of all our players? Is he the only guy who suffered injuries last year? Come on.
Not that it matters since we lost but do you remember the impact AK had during game 3 with limited minutes against the lakers?
We have had AK for quite a while. During that time we've found out some things.

1. He is one of the most intriging players in the NBA and can be a huge difference maker.

2. He is not durable. His injuries are legit. It's not like he has some wierd soft tissue foot injury that keeps him out for 20 games. He is too frail to take a full 82 game schedule.

3. We are spending a crap load of money on a guy that hasn't played 80 games in a season since 2003 and in fact has only broke 70 games played twice in the past 7 years....

4. Dude has a jacked up back. Over the past few years he has missed quite a few games because of a bad lower back. Guess what, that's not going to get better with age.

The experiment has come and gone and we know the result. Time to move on.
supposedly a "Win Share" is "an estimate of the number of wins contributed by a player." whatever. i quickly divided each remaining jazz player's 2009-2010 "win shares" by their 2010-2011 salary (millions):

Millsap: 1.16
Deron: 0.69
Price: 0.65
Memo: 0.59
CJ: 0.51
AK: 0.34

i'm not saying this is the best way to do it, but it seems like it gives an approximate bang-for-buck value. now, feel free to rip it and me to shreds.
I was looking at AK's stats and I noticed something interesting. Over the course of his career has played in 617 of the available 738 games. That is 83%. Boozer in contrast has played in 77% of the games of his career and people classify Booze as soft.

My belief is that AK is too soft/fragile/weak to play a full 82 game season. What do I base that on? The fact that the last time he played all 82 games was his rookie season. The past two seasons he has played in 76% of the available games. His body simply can't stand up to the day to day pounding the NBA generates.

With this in mind, I think it would be foolish to not move AK. Even if he were willing to settle for less money next year, why do we want a guy that over the past 2 years 25% of the time has not been able to play to eat up 7 or 8 million dollars of our cap space?

It's apparant that AK's best days are behind him. I see no reason why we don't move him this year for either a stud 2 guard or a shot blocking 5.

Clearly we should have him sit out the first 20 games and get that 25% of the season out of the way early. Then he'll play in every game the rest of the season at full strength.

I didn't realize we were talking about AK's value relative to his contract. That's a whole different story. But let me ask you guys this: Can we trade him for someone who is better? Is that feasible or possible? To me, it seems like it would not be. We might be able to trade him for someone who provides Jazz ownership with a better value relative to their contract, but I'm not as interested in that as I am in winning. He only has one year left on the contract. If he's our best chance of winning, I say you have to throw out "value relative to his contract" and roll with "value relative to whoever might replace him." In which case, really, I think you have to keep him on the team. Just my take.
Clearly we should have him sit out the first 20 games and get that 25% of the season out of the way early. Then he'll play in every game the rest of the season at full strength.


That is a very funny idea. Realitically, his minutes should be limited if he is going to stick around with us and maybe he shouldn't play back to back games.
One thing I've noticed; the Jazz brass does not like AK playing for Russia in the summer. I believe he has gone just about every year anyway. That can't help his durability issue. He needs to take a page from Kevin Garnett's book; Yoga. That will do incredible things for the back. I know; I started Yoga when I was 54, and this is my 9th year. My old back problems completely disappeared a few years ago; it really teaches you to instinctively use the Abs to protect the low back.
The problem for us financially is AK is like a rock star in Russia. My thinking has been if we don't want to pay him, they would without batting an eye. The good news is this year he has declined to go play for his Russian team. Hopefully he will follow whatever offseason fitness program the Jazz have planned for him and last the whole 2010-2011 season!

I want to know which stretch of last season AK47 was our best player? Was it when he was 150 pounds heavier with full and total muscles with a .000009 % body fat percentage and a bench press max double that of Malone? I love it how some fans just cannot get off the AK47 drug. Where did those fantastic muscles go? I never saw them last year. Obviously, they didn't make a difference as I saw the same weak arms failing AK47 trying to get bailed out by the refs from one of his patented out of control drives. We all saw the same old injured AK. We saw him average career lows in blocks. So where did the wittle muscles help him?

With Boozer and Deron on this team, AK47 never was our best player. There were times he wasn't even as good as Korver or Wesley.

Perhaps some of you were watching a different season or something. But AK47 NEVER was our best player last year.

For the money, AK47 is one of the worst players in the league.

Which makes him 100 % ours, since we cannot unload him. As long as he's with the team, I hope plays and at least contributes something defensively (which he hasn't done in years). I could care less about offense, since he's never been a very good offensive player. But defensively, I really hope he stops crying about his lack of touches and gets back to averaging 2-3 blocks per game.

Of course, he'll probably get injured or cry before he does that ever again. And the same 2-3 people on this board will make excuses for him.