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Abolish Rep

Should they keep Rep?

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I voted for cheese because, well cheese rocks, and because it was the closest option to "don't care". Either way, with or without rep, this is a good forum, and I will continue to partronize it until I see no value at all in the discussions. Rep is just another feature, like editing polls. I would like to be able to edit polls, but it won't make or break the forum, imo, same with rep.
Did you know that cheese encased in wax can last more than a decade, and will taste better at the end of that decade than it did the day you dipped it in wax? (hard cheeses, like cheddar store best)

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Did you know that cheese encased in wax can last more than a decade, and will taste better at the end of that decade than it did the day you dipped it in wax? (hard cheeses, like cheddar store best)

[/thread derail]

I see the sack of baybybel's in my fridge in a whole new light.
Rep is dumb because it is an immature way to disagree with some else's point. If you don't like it you can post what a moron you think they are or ignore it. Rep doesn't really bother me and I'm at negative 50ish. I just think that if someone is playing the crying game and reping instead of arguing then what is the point of a board?
True story: Trout has both texted and facebooked me today complaining about being suspended and claiming he didn't break any rules. Sometimes you just can't win in this business.

Trout, I'm speaking to Kicky and you here when I say that even though I find you to be quite funny and much brighter than probably many give you credit for, you seem to often cry like a schoolboy bitch whenever you get an infraction.

By now you should know which rules can be bent and to what degree, and which can't. I post dumbass stuff on this site and I've managed to get my infractions down to ZERO. My point? If I can learn and adapt, so can you. Just sayin'.
Trout, I'm speaking to Kicky and you here when I say that even though I find you to be quite funny and much brighter than probably many give you credit for, you seem to often cry like a schoolboy bitch whenever you get an infraction.

By now you should know which rules can be bent and to what degree, and which can't. I post dumbass stuff on this site and I've managed to get my infractions down to ZERO. My point? If I can learn and adapt, so can you. Just sayin'.

But it's easier to just post it and whine and bitch. Duh!
I couldn't vote for Jimmer and Cheese, so this time I chose Jimmer.
Next time I will go with "Who Moved my Cheese"... and on a sidenote, everybody should read that book.
It doesn't take much time and is funny and interesting at the same time.
It's funny to see what happens when the Rep Cheese is moved.
I voted to get rid of it.

I would like to see a high 5 system like I've seen on another board. This system only allows you to tie your name to a post if you agree with it. It does not effect your standing on the board. It does show everybody that you agree with a POV without quoting it. And it does not have some of the problems with people leaving negative comments. As there is not comment just an I agree with this point showing.

I recommended this on the old board but I don't think it was possible. Maybe it is in this format?
I recommended this on the old board but I don't think it was possible. Maybe it is in this format?

It's not built in, like the rep system is. It might be available as an add-on... Jason would have to be the one to check on that and install it.
Haha, look at Slopper whine. Boo hoo, cry harder, etc. Rep is awesome and I vote to keep it. Nothing pleases me more than dropping a neg on MillSloppBabe with regularity.

Also, props to:

1. colton
2. Darkwing Duck
3. Gameface
4. Jason
5. Jazzfanz
6. JSL
7. Mantis
8. Qman
9. The-Joker

You shall all be getting +7 as soon as humanly possible.
rep for sale. Nice.

I think rep is an interesting form of communication, like other forms. . . . it can be meaningless or maddening just like any other other mode. Putting limits on how much rep you can give to any one poster, or all combined is a good idea and relieves some of the abusive demonstrations just enough.