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? about Houston


Well-Known Member
So Houston just traded dalembert to get a better draft pick and you read alot about Houston going after Howard. What if things don't go like they hope, would they, then, be willing to trade a combo of Lowery/matin for Jefferson and the G.S. pick?
I could see Houston going after Jefferson because of their coach. Give me Scola and one of the picks and I'm sold.
I don't know about Lowry/Martin for Jefferson, but if everything falls through and they end up with too many first round picks maybe they would trade one for our 2013 first.
I'm looking for Houston to have some backup plans going to into the draft if their main plan doesn't workout. We could be a part of it. Under no circumstances do I want Scola though.

A basketball website I just stumbled upon. It looks pretty solid potentially for stats and such though I'm not sure how often they update everything. There's also links on the right to other similar sites.
Houston's back-up plans have to include trading one of their 3 first-round picks that they own. No team wants 3 rookies with guaranteed salary unless they're all in the top 6 or 7 picks, which isn't the case here.
Houston's back-up plans have to include trading one of their 3 first-round picks that they own. No team wants 3 rookies with guaranteed salary unless they're all in the top 6 or 7 picks, which isn't the case here.

I believe something will happen with them. Having said that, I don't see any team being afraid of drafting the 14/16/18 ... would love that 'problem.'
It's not necessarily that it's a problem, it's that they will likely end up having a tough time giving each of them enough minutes to really develop them. Maybe we can acquire one of the picks for Jefferson.
Scola has 3 years and 30 million left on his deal. No way we'd touch that. So an Al deal would have to be for Martin to make salaries work, and that would leave Houston with virtually no wing players. For that matter, they don't have anybody to trade for Millsap unless Lowery and one of those picks enticed KOC, and I can't see how it would.

But Houston is in such a crazy state of flux right now that anything could happen (except for KOC dealing for Scola.)
FWIW, Lowry said he expects to be traded in the next 24 hours and right now Toronto and Sacramento seem like the likeliest destinations.
Houston's back-up plans have to include trading one of their 3 first-round picks that they own. No team wants 3 rookies with guaranteed salary unless they're all in the top 6 or 7 picks, which isn't the case here.

I believe something will happen with them. Having said that, I don't see any team being afraid of drafting the 14/16/18 ... would love that 'problem.'

It's 12/16/18 now, and even though the Rockets probably aren't afraid of using all of those picks, even if they aren't able to get Dwight I bet one or two of those picks goes somewhere.