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No, I won't complain about it. Instead, I suggest making Kanter growing Varejao-like afro hair to look bigger. Maybe people relax about his size then.

I don't know its feasibility but I made a study.


Note: Inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7AUpGXLDdk

Edit: A sincere apologize...

Thanks guys for all responses, conversation and kind comments about this weird thread. I just felt that I'd like to explain some little things. Apparently I unintentionally offended some friends through the thread. I'm a little bit talkative nerd, ergo this thread got unnecessarily long. Again because of my big mouth I talk about myself a bit much. Now let me go for another example. My mind got f***** up in the army and after get out of it now I am a jobless guy in a big debt and have lost my beautiful very own Chen. These days, actually these months, I have very few joys to divert my mind. One of these joys is obviously Basketball which is certainly not by coincedence because it was always my most favourite sport. And my one of the other mind-diversion is the damned-holy alcohol(especially hard russian ones). Actually, I've never been a drinker until last year but now it is only too good while watching basketball, especially with the Jazz games. So all my chattering, babbling and prattle(of course they are all nonsense) is due to my relatively new habit of drinking too much damned-holy drinks. Ok, I think this is enough for the example.

In a nutshell, I sincereley apologize to all friends here in the board community who have been disturbed by me somehow sometime. Have a nice day/night to all of you!

PS: To PKM, may I call you father? OK, I am gonna drink one more cup of a dark coffee right now.
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By the way, here are my sincere thoughts about Kanter's size.

Actually, I don't believe Enes is a genuine 6'11 and I too think he is a bit undersized to play center position in the NBA but... But I'm not that bothered about it, nor I think that it will be a big issue in the case of Kanter. I belive his game style, strength and body type(his grounded structure, long arms, big hands etc) will be enough to cover his lack of height and even his lack of leap. I mean, he may or will struggle against Gasol-like players but he can have some advantages too against them if he plays smartly and uses his own odds.

Plus, It's not the end of the time for Enes. He is 19-20 years old, he still may gain height(not a high chance though).
Or more probably, he can increase his vertical jump along side his strength. Any average athlete, even athletes who have slow twitch muscle fibers can easily(not that easy actually) increase their explosiveness and vertical jump abilities through proper weight exercises and plyometric trainings under a professional trainer guidance which must be easy to attain for a NBA player.

All in all, I am not all against an undersized center for the Jazz team but I really hope Kanter grows another inch because then he would be nothing the less but the cream of the crop. Or as we say in Turkish; la crème de la crème. :)
Actually, I don't believe Enes is a genuine 6'11
Good thing that there are actual measurements that render mere speculation (as seen above) absolutely moot. Besides that head height might actually be the least important single factor in impacting the game or play (you don't score points, rebound, block shots, steal the ball, draw charges, or pass with the top of your head IIRC).

The actual, truthful, genuine height in all reality is 6' 11.25" in shoes.
He has been measured as 6'11.25 in shoes. Of the 6 games I have watched this year he has always worn shoes. I will use my clairvoyance to predict that he will wear shoes every game, so he will be at least 6'11.25 for every game he plays from this point until he retires pending any late vertical growth. His vertical decline shouldn't begin until sometime in his 50's.
Good thing that there are actual measurements that render mere speculation (as seen above) absolutely moot. Besides that head height might actually be the least important single factor in impacting the game or play (you don't score points, rebound, block shots, steal the ball, draw charges, or pass with the top of your head IIRC).

The actual, truthful, genuine height in all reality is 6' 11.25" in shoes.

He has been measured as 6'11.25 in shoes. Of the 6 games I have watched this year he has always worn shoes. I will use my clairvoyance to predict that he will wear shoes every game, so he will be at least 6'11.25 for every game he plays from this point until he retires pending any late vertical growth. His vertical decline shouldn't begin until sometime in his 50's.

I've watch him from very close distance(both on court, off court) several times for hours with likes Oğuz Savaş, Ömer Aşık(they were taller clearly), Preldziç(a tall SF), Hedo(Legit 6-10) and lots of other guys. And I've seen lots big guys (again from close distance) in conversation environment thanks to my Basketbal-related relatives and friends.

Kanter have never seemed to me taller than Hedo. So I believe he is legit 6'10 and that's not very undersized even for center(I've said a bit). And I really really don't know how the hell they measure players "actual"ly.

By the way please consider that I am a Enes homer.
I've watch him from very close distance(both on court, off court) several times for hours with likes Oğuz Savaş, Ömer Aşık(they were taller clearly), Preldziç(a tall SF), Hedo(Legit 6-10) and lots of other guys. And I've seen lots big guys (again from close distance) in conversation environment thanks to my Basketbal-related relatives and friends.

Kanter have never seemed to me taller than Hedo. So I believe he is legit 6'10 and that's not very undersized even for center(I've said a bit). And I really really don't know how the hell they measure players "actual"ly.

By the way please consider that I am a Enes homer.

When was the last time you saw him up close, though? Maybe he's been eating his wheaties.
Kanter have never seemed to me taller than Hedo. So I believe he is legit 6'10 and that's not very undersized even for center(I've said a bit). And I really really don't know how the hell they measure players "actual"ly.

Those are official NBA draft combine numbers, probably retrieved from draftexpress.com.

You're thread is badass.

I'm looking forward to seeing him match up against Marc Gasol for the second time. He looked tiny against Gasol in the Euroleague, and Gasol worked him over pretty hard. Asik had a lot of duty that day as well if I remember correctly.

Have you considered that you're looking uphill and something like a camera effect is happening? Staring up at a guy who's 6'11" vs. a guy standing 7'2" might make the 7'2" look closer to 6 inches taller than 3,
I highly doubt your eyes from more than several yards away are more accurate than a ruler less than inches away from his body. And by "highly doubt", I mean "absolutely know".
One more thing. This isn't swimming. No way he loses 5% quickness with tha fro, especially if he cut some wind tunnels into it.
I highly doubt your eyes from more than several yards away are more accurate than a ruler less than inches away from his body. And by "highly doubt", I mean "absolutely know".

Also, I see double most of things, you may be right.

One more thing. This isn't swimming. No way he loses 5% quickness with tha fro, especially if he cut some wind tunnels into it.

Can you imagine Kanter's bushy, thick, heavy hairs as a gigantic Afro. I indeed made a mistake but that was the weight line. Also think that afro with plenty of salty sweat. For the aerodynamic tunnels... Yes, it is innovative. :)
He plays bigger than his size when he goes up for boards. Seems to play smaller than his size under the basket.
Those are official NBA draft combine numbers, probably retrieved from draftexpress.com.

You're thread is badass.

I'm looking forward to seeing him match up against Marc Gasol for the second time. He looked tiny against Gasol in the Euroleague, and Gasol worked him over pretty hard. Asik had a lot of duty that day as well if I remember correctly.

Have you considered that you're looking uphill and something like a camera effect is happening? Staring up at a guy who's 6'11" vs. a guy standing 7'2" might make the 7'2" look closer to 6 inches taller than 3,

The thing is, Enes has been a phenomen since he was 15-16 in Turkey. So we always followed him from the time. And he has always dominated all competion that he was in. I remember him being said as a 6-8 dominating bulldozer. So every basketball enthusiastic like me were always following and investigating him. We all were waiting and praying for him to be 7' or 7'1 Shaquesqo dominating big. Also there was guys saying that he will be stuck at 6'9 and won't grow much, he needed testosterone shots, wheaties blah blah in order to grow more, but thanks all the gods people believe he didn't stop there. But he didn't go to the other way much either. But I consider him as a legit 6'10. And to me that is it.

By the way I've always been with that lucky tall people population. So I believe I can sense the heigths of tall people without illusionic mistakes or perspective issues. I was a undersized sg for two years, played with 6'10-7'00 guys and have seen thousands of bball players so I am confident when it comes to compare peoples' heights.

He plays bigger than his size when he goes up for boards. Seems to play smaller than his size under the basket.

He will bring his offensive game later within the time. Especially if Corbin trust his mid range he will go for lots of and 1s and some nasty dunks. I am just waiting with patience.
Kanters girth can throw you off a bit. For example a guy like evens looks taller than someone like Kanter even if they are the same height. It is just the way our brain works and lots of euro centers are thin. My guess from watching him is 6'10.5 -6'11 not true center size but a good tweener size.