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AK's hair


Moderator Emeritus

IMO Troy Palumalus is the only deserving person to get his own "hair" thread. :D Especially after his 1 mil insurance coverage for it. AK's looks like a retarded Biebercut.
YB already posted this a week ago.

Sorry dude. Turns out I don't read every single post on the board. Expecting perfect knowledge of a picture 30 posts deep into a thread I never posted in might be asking a bit much.

As a newlywed, you really shouldn't have time for this.
LTV may be right.

The Madame sent me a text a couple days ago asking why LTV hates poor AK so much. I told her he was just a grumpy dude in a federal office in the midwest and had nothing better to do than be bitter towards international millionaire playboys.
Sorry dude. Turns out I don't read every single post on the board. Expecting perfect knowledge of a picture 30 posts deep into a thread might be asking a bit much.

As a newlywed, you really shouldn't have time for this.


Classic kicky. Makes a gay thread, then tries to insult me.


P.S. I would expect this type of thread from UB or beantown, but not from you. I had higher expectations in your posts.
I didn't think it was possible to Archie a thread about AK's hair.

You, sir, have unique talents.

Koc, just a mistype. I even googled his name to make sure I would spell it right, so it's clearly a super fail by me. :D Yes, my wife is hot.