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Al Jefferson slows down Jazz offense

Yep. For big 4s, you have to play Jefferson as a 4. But the NBA has consistently been moving towards a more perimeter-oriented game and I would contest that a lot of 4s in today's league would be 3s in the 80's. But yeah, we all agree. The only problem is that I don't see Sloan being that much of a strategist to modify the starting lineup to compensate. And if we have to choose one player to play the 4 in the starting lineup for every situation, I think Millsap is more suited.

As a resident sloan apologist, I think the correct statement (compared to bolded above) should be "I don't see sloan changing his strategy..." Becuase he has said that it is a better strategy that players have some consistency than to have random variablity. This was used (well in my opinion) when Stock and Malone were here.

Now whether or not anyone agrees if that is a BETTER strategy is a different discussion.
The Jazz have a better record this year with Al instead of Boozer. That's all that matters to me.

While this team is definitely a work in progress on the offensive end I think that can be overcome a lot easier than previous teams that were a disaster on defense.
shot selection (driving into the basket) and a little fine tuning/getting up to speed on the PnR will do wonders for Big Al
Maybe we should move Okur, AK and Big Al for a legit 5 and 3 (if at all possible...).
That's a good idea, but I think the Jazz would be better off trading their 2nd best player for a 32-year old tweener role player and a rotation player having a career year.