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All Time NBA best undrafted players

Eaton was drafted (without looking it up) by the Jazz i believe. Actually googled "best undrafted NBA players" and got a list of the 10 best by their estimation. Big Ben, Calderon and tada.....Raja Bell. Not much else it would have been hard to cooble together any coherent team from the names i saw. Abandoned search as a waste of what precious brain cells i have left.
Kresimir Cosic

I guess that's not true, he was drafted twice but decided not to play in the NBA.
Eaton was discussed in another thread.
Yea, he was drafted, but he was drafted before the draft only had 2 rounds
You remember him? I am impressed. That dude was the best player in Europe at one point, to bad he never played in NBA.

Everything I've heard says he would have been a really good NBA player.
The only reason I remember him is because I live in Utah, and am a BYU fan.
Because he never played in the NBA most other people wouldn't even know who he was.
I recall one night he cut his head on the side of the backboard. He was fun to watch. Odd, now that i think about it he looked (Kresimir was better looking) and played a little like one Andrei Kirilenko.
I just googled this he tried out for the varsity basketball team and was cut, he played jr varsity ball.

Sigh...if you're actually cut you don't play any basketball. If he was cut he wouldn't have even been on the JV team, he just didn't make varsity. There's a large difference.
At 7-4 if the draft back then had only been 2 rounds I have a feeling he would've been drafted in the second round.
Also, back then there was only 22 teams so mid-to-late-second rounders today used to be third rounders. Eaton was pick 72, so wasn't that far off being taken in a modern draft.
Jordan tried out for the basketball varsity in his sophomore year but failed to make the team that year according to wickopedia.
I don't think it is a horribly atrocious use of the word to say that he was "cut" from the varsity squad that year.
Everything I've heard says he would have been a really good NBA player.
The only reason I remember him is because I live in Utah, and am a BYU fan.
Because he never played in the NBA most other people wouldn't even know who he was.

I have seen him play but that was when I was a kid so have just shades of memories about him. Deadly turnaround jumper and mid range game.
