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All you Coug fans can thank me...


That extra chromosome is hardly noticeable.
I tried to copy it from facebook but it just shows a red X, is the image to large?

did you try to copy the actual image? because you need to get the link location and copy that.

OR you can actually upload an attachment from your drive, click the "Go Advanced" button then you'll see the commands at the bottom under "Additional Options"
babies are generally cute by the way - - not always, there are duds every so often but not often - - most are pretty cute
I'll go out on a limb and say it's a bad idea for people to start posting pics of their beloved children on the internet so they can say "my kid is cuter than yours" which will only invite people to make rude (or worse) comments about your kids.

Just sayin'

It's all about my 10 day old's outfit. You can't see them, but the booties are Coug Booties, and her binkie is pink and has the 'Y' on it.

Hopefully, this is her last 'slump buster'.

Cute baby, trout. Trying to be like the Cougs on Saturday with all the pink, eh? What's his name?
I'll go out on a limb and say it's a bad idea for people to start posting pics of their beloved children on the internet so they can say "my kid is cuter than yours" which will only invite people to make rude (or worse) comments about your kids.

Just sayin'

... says the guy with the ugly kids.

(kidding! kidding!)
I have three brothers. They all have pale skin, freckles, and red-hair. Although I find myself to be a handsome man (at least my grandma tells me) my kids are probably doomed if they get my family genes. Having a cute ginger is gonna be tough.
I have three brothers. They all have pale skin, freckles, and red-hair. Although I find myself to be a handsome man (at least my grandma tells me) my kids are probably doomed if they get my family genes. Having a cute ginger is gonna be tough.

You have to get a girl to agree to sex first. Good luck with that.