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All you Jefferson haters just can't handle his sauce

I'm a hater and will continue to until he proves he can do this more than 1 game. He still doesn't try very hard on defense.

Defense is a habit, if you dont do it all the time, you cant do it well, you can try 1-2 times, but you will get bored and leave at 3rd. Thats the same for Big Al, he will never be a good defender, never ever. And this is a big weakness especially in playoffs. Otherwise noone discusses if Big Al is talented or not, he just has too many holes in his game.
You act like this is just one game. Barring the Laker game, he's been playing well the past few nights. Better than Bozzer... I think that's how you spell it.
This team wouldn't be anywhere without Al, he and Millsap are our best players and have been so consistently since Deron left.

Deal with it.
Well the big thing we hate on, I have done some, is his lack of passing. Well the last few games he has been passing and it is awesome!
Same here. I cannot hate on his performance this season so far, he's been great.
I'm high on the Jazz team and its players(except a few ones).

But I think it still is early to make so positive judgments even about a well playing Al J.
I dont change my opinion about players with one game, i didnt think he is so bad as many people wrote **** about him in first 2 games, and i dont think he is that good as people exaggarate now. He is just same Big Al, nothing changed

One game, of passing out of double teams, and improved defense? Really? He hasn't done this in any other games?
You're not going to get through to Sepanol. All that matters is Jefferson's removal so his boy gets all those minutes. As long as AJ and Kanter are in Utah he's going to keep this up, and the truth has nothing to do with it.
Here's what happens when a hater tries to handle Al's man sauce.

What I want to know is if that Kanter lover (I forgot his name...) still suggests we trade Jefferson because Kanter should get all of his minutes.
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Love Big Al and always have but dont start this again. When he has a bad game the haters will be post a thread and rabble rabble rabble
Al has been playing better except when god awful against the Lakers. Mostly, he's been passing better, setting more screens, and knowing where he needs to be on the floor. However, his presence in transition is still absolutely 0 (his transition "offense" is not having crossed half-court by the time the Jazz get the ball back, and his transition "defense" is the same), and he still is allergic to contact.
He's a really good guy though and even though I still don't exactly see how he, Millsap, and two #3 picks can all remotely be in the Jazz's longterm plans, I hope he continues to win here or wherever.
What I want to know is if that Kanter lover (I forgot his name...) still suggests we trade Jefferson because Kanter should get all of his minutes.

You got alzheimer i guess u cant remember names anymore

Jefferson may fool guys like you with scoring a few points, but im pretty sure with my opinions and i dont change my opinions after every game. I battled with many guys like you regarding Derrick williams vs Kanter before the trade and it is pretty obvious i am right, i keep battling vs Jefferson lovers and latest next year we will see who is right dont worry, just keep watching games.

Btw I am happy Kanter is getting 10-15 mins instead of 35 mins right away, it is better for his future and warming up to the competition instead of throwing himself on the fire. But Jefferson? Is that what we need? Really? Tell me something he does much better than Boozer in the court
Al has been playing better except when god awful against the Lakers. Mostly, he's been passing better, setting more screens, and knowing where he needs to be on the floor. However, his presence in transition is still absolutely 0 (his transition "offense" is not having crossed half-court by the time the Jazz get the ball back, and his transition "defense" is the same), and he still is allergic to contact.

Do you believe Jefferson will learn how to play basketball after age of 27? I remember Dwight Howard playing perfect basketball against Cavs on the 6th game of the conference finals some years ago, passing out of double team and stuff, but he isnt the best passer in the world just because he did well in one game. I watched Big Al whole year last year, he may be good and bad at times this year, but he is not gonna have a perfect basketball iq at all, he was bad against lakers and he was good today, i dont see much difference considering him him a player as a whole.
But Jefferson? Is that what we need? Really? Tell me something he does much better than Boozer in the court

so far, statistically, al Jefferson is better in the following categories:
Free throw %

Statistically this season, jefferson is tied with boozer in the following:

Statistically Jefferson is worse than boozer in the following:

There you go.
Boozer is also in the league running for screams per game and most lopsided contract/production ratio.

Super job bringing that guy up Sep. I bet you got tons of rep with that gem.
Stats is the only thing people who doesnt understand basketball relies on. I have my eyes and i watch as much as games possible. For scoring maybe a bit but stats doesnt mean anything if you try to figure out a player is good in defense.