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America has the wrong leadership

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Joe Bagadonuts

Well-Known Member
It's so discouraging that our country currently has leaders like this. I wish we were tough... like the French.
Does anyone else feel a sense of relief that the extremists have another country to hate with all their might besides the United States? Misery loves company.
Does anyone else feel a sense of relief that the extremists have another country to hate with all their might besides the United States? Misery loves company.
Does anyone else feel a sense of relief that the extremists have another country to hate with all their might besides the United States? Misery loves company.
If it's got to happen, I prefer it somewhere else.
If it's got to happen, I prefer it somewhere else.

With the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now the events of last week, I wonder if France (and perhaps Europe) will become the new terrorism battleground. Things can still happen here in the U.S., but we aren't as close in proximity to the Middle East and we are a little more vigilant since we suffered such a great loss on 9/11.

I keep waiting for something of the size, scope and magnitude of the 9/11 attacks to happen in Europe.
With the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now the events of last week, I wonder if France (and perhaps Europe) will become the new terrorism battleground. Things can still happen here in the U.S., but we aren't as close in proximity to the Middle East and we are a little more vigilant since we suffered such a great loss on 9/11.

I keep waiting for something of the size, scope and magnitude of the 9/11 attacks to happen in Europe.

It's not just that. In America, Muslims are about average socioeconomically, and thus do not congregate into the broken communities and ghettos necessary to foster a culture of shared victimization that lead to terrorism (or crime in general). In much of Europe, Muslims are second class citizens in a situation very similar to that of blacks in America. Europe is therefore much more vulnerable to attacks from "within".
It's not just that. In America, Muslims are about average socioeconomically, and thus do not congregate into the broken communities and ghettos necessary to foster a culture of shared victimization that lead to terrorism (or crime in general). In much of Europe, Muslims are second class citizens in a situation very similar to that of blacks in America. Europe is therefore much more vulnerable to attacks from "within".

I've been in Paris about six times over the last 20 years and it's crazy how much the composition of their population has changed. Tons of Africans and other immigrants, almost all scraping the barrel on the socioeconomic scale. Europe is paying the price hard for being next to Africa and the Middle East. I've also driven over 30,000 miles throughout Western Europe and it is a very small area to have to incorporate millions of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. These are distinct cultures that have seen most of their growth from within over the centuries. Basically, they are screwed.
I've been in Paris about six times over the last 20 years and it's crazy how much the composition of their population has changed. Tons of Africans and other immigrants, almost all scraping the barrel on the socioeconomic scale. Europe is paying the price hard for being next to Africa and the Middle East. I've also driven over 30,000 miles throughout Western Europe and it is a very small area to have to incorporate millions of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. These are distinct cultures that have seen most of their growth from within over the centuries. Basically, they are screwed.

Screwed by design in my opinion.
So these groups are now in the fake passport business and actively trying to get into western nations:


Honduras arrested 5 Syrians on their way to the U.S. with fake passports.


Paris stadium attacker got to Europe with a fake Syrian passport.


Surging black market in fake Syrian passports


Turkey arrests 8 men on their way to Germany.
It's not just that. In America, Muslims are about average socioeconomically, and thus do not congregate into the broken communities and ghettos necessary to foster a culture of shared victimization that lead to terrorism (or crime in general). In much of Europe, Muslims are second class citizens in a situation very similar to that of blacks in America. Europe is therefore much more vulnerable to attacks from "within".

Isn't that pretty much the fence builder's argument about Mexicans here?
Isn't that pretty much the fence builder's argument about Mexicans here?

The fence builder is an ardent proponent of fear mongering. No surprise that a demagogue like this should appear in our midst. A shame people can't learn from history what leaders to avoid. Strike fear, play on people's anxieties in an uncertain world. That's the spirit, let's not be rational or appeal to the higher virtues in man. No, let's stir up a lynch mob mentality. Like a good demagogue...

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