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Logical paradoxes can suck it.

Please refrain from disgusting innuendo on this forum.

I knew someone would say that. Of course, but I don't call it that. It's sounds romantic and all, but to me a date implies you're dating. I'm married, but somehow going out together would sound weird if we said we're going marrying.

So I just say we're going out tonight.

But does that imply we're just 'going out?' Wow, I'm gonna have to create a whole new word.

The new word shall be, "Queefina". qweef-eye-na, adj., usually used as a way to describe people who vote straight party, people who refer to themselves as "sage", and/or Craig1221 and The Thriller.
Please refrain from disgusting innuendo on this forum.

The new word shall be, "Queefina". qweef-eye-na, adj., usually used as a way to describe people who vote straight party, people who refer to themselves as "sage", and/or Craig1221 and The Thriller.

While you're getting it all out, I'm thinking I like need to put you on my lap and pat your back .. help you burp it all out. Help your originality come out, again.
While you're getting it all out, I'm thinking I like need to put you on my lap and pat your back .. help you burp it all out. Help your originality come out, again.

Please. What could be more original than Queefina?
Cool. Thought you were married.
Hope you had fun.

1) When my wife and I go out without the kids, we call it a date.
2) We have opened our marriage from time to time (although it's not open right now).
I knew someone would say that. Of course, but I don't call it that. It's sounds romantic and all, but to me a date implies you're dating. I'm married, but somehow going out together would sound weird if we said we're going marrying.

So I just say we're going out tonight.

But does that imply we're just 'going out?' Wow, I'm gonna have to create a whole new word.

Damn amateur. Women need to feel courted. You don't have to actually court them. Just make them think you are.