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Any chance corbin gets fired?

Let's identify who we think would be significantly better before we send a message to the coaching fraternity that Utah hires and fires with no plan.. and no loyalty.

It's okay to fire, but you better have a reason and a better option.

The only thing worse than not firing a bad coach is firing a bad coach and replacing him with another bad one.
I wished the Jazz would've made a move earlier in the offseason but at this point let Ty ride out his contract. He either surprises the masses and becomes an average NBA head coach or his contract expires and the Jazz can move on with a clean break in 2014.

Ok, but now that Brad Stevens is gone, who do you guys see as a potential coach? We don't really have anyone else in the pipeline that would be suitable.

May be Brad Jones???
Speaking of crap coaches how does Jim Boylen manage to always land a job. He single-handedly destroyed utes program.