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Anybody hear Peter Vecsey today on 1280 The Zone?

One thing is for sure, Favors should be inserted into the starting lineup next year. Derrick, work really hard on your conditioning, lift some weights, and work on your post game and you'll be a star.
As I've pointed out ad nauseum, the idea that Sloan always returned to playing his starting lineup while completely ignoring the effectiveness of bench players is a myth - but this isn't about comparing Sloan to Corbin. It's about comparing Corbin to a competent basketball coach (which I believe he is, but his substitution pattern is both illogical and maddening).

As Peter Vescey (who I generally loathe) points out, it's the head coach's job to coach the game and make decisions based off the game. How many times in the regular season did we see Utah's bench (often behind Derrick Favors) get Utah back in a game, only to see Corbin return to his full starting lineup and flounder down the stretch. Coaches are paid to put their players in the best position to succeed. If Ty's going to be a complete robot, why even coach? Even the CPU of a video game can substitute his starters in for the 4th-qtr. If the only reason you're in the playoffs is because of a 2-week stretch in which Demarre Carroll is you starting SF, why change the lineup in favor of a 32-yr old SF who was out the previous 4 weeks due to knee surgery? All people want is for Ty to start making more decisions off how the game is playing out, not who he listed as starters on the gamecard.


Corbin learned from Sloan this kind of B.S. I swear, so many people have selective memory.

Sloan did this all the time. How can you forget? You dont remember all the times where Boozer wouldnt play any defense and couldnt score, and we had Millsap on the bench who was being more effective? And everyone would be clamouring for Millsap, but it was the same old excuse, he cant play against starters.

Or Memo woukd be out there throwing up bricks not playing D, and anybody off the bench would have been better?

Or Fisher being Jammed into the starting line up, who couldnt hit a shot either, and was being asked to guard 2 guards. But Jerry refused to take him out.

Or how about when Brevin Knight had at one point missed 27+ shots in row and Jerry refused to play Price, even though Price was playing better, and Knight was awful.

I could go on and on

The truth is Jerry was just as bad if not worse and Corbin is just trying to do like him.

How can you not see it?

I think what is more likely to happen is Corbin grows out of this because he can see how stupid it is once he fails a few times. Right now Corbin is fighting for his job and he is thinking, hey if it worked for Jerry all those years I am going to try it.
As I've pointed out ad nauseum, the idea that Sloan always returned to playing his starting lineup while completely ignoring the effectiveness of bench players is a myth - but this isn't about comparing Sloan to Corbin. It's about comparing Corbin to a competent basketball coach (which I believe he is, but his substitution pattern is both illogical and maddening).

As Peter Vescey (who I generally loathe) points out, it's the head coach's job to coach the game and make decisions based off the game. How many times in the regular season did we see Utah's bench (often behind Derrick Favors) get Utah back in a game, only to see Corbin return to his full starting lineup and flounder down the stretch. Coaches are paid to put their players in the best position to succeed. If Ty's going to be a complete robot, why even coach? Even the CPU of a video game can substitute his starters in for the 4th-qtr. If the only reason you're in the playoffs is because of a 2-week stretch in which Demarre Carroll is you starting SF, why change the lineup in favor of a 32-yr old SF who was out the previous 4 weeks due to knee surgery? All people want is for Ty to start making more decisions off how the game is playing out, not who he listed as starters on the gamecard.

we are in total agreement.
Let me clarify. My comment about substitution patterns and situational coaching were separate statements. I recognize that Sloan would play the hot hand at times. What I mean by situational coaching is, in short, precise play design for precise moments. I don't think this was ever Sloan's strong suit, and it doesn't appear to be something Corbin has a knack for either. That's all.
How many times was al in over favors in a defense situation? Plenty. That's one example of **** coaching right there. Corbin said he would study the coaches still in the playoffs. Then ****ing study thibbedou
Corbin was a rookie HC with primarily a very young team to coach. They all had a huge learning curve, individually AND as a team, and at 36-30 in the regular season, certainly exceeded my expectations.
Before I trash either Coach Ty or his team, I want to see what CHANGES they come out with next season. If it's "same ol" "same ol", then we got a legit beef...