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Are you a DVE Actor?

I guess I am on the list.
I don't really care though.
I guess they will continue the surveillance on me that has been being done for decades.
Don't really care if the surveillance continues either.

I'm a pretty boring person to surveil

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Honest question. If let's say 4-5 police officers knocked on your front door and then asked if they could look around inside your house, would you give them consent? No context. They just asked "Do you mind if we take a look in your house?"
Honest question. If let's say 4-5 police officers knocked on your front door and then asked if they could look around inside your house, would you give them consent? No context. They just asked "Do you mind if we take a look in your house?"
I would if I knew the context. Missing kid in neighborhood? Criminal on loose in area? Sure, take a look on my property, inside and out as needwd.

I would not be okay with forced entry without consent or probable cause and a warrant.
Honest question. If let's say 4-5 police officers knocked on your front door and then asked if they could look around inside your house, would you give them consent? No context. They just asked "Do you mind if we take a look in your house?"

If I'm being honest then I would probably say yes. Would think they were looking for some criminal on the run or something.
I think cops have better things to do than to just look around in peoples houses for funsies.

I know a bunch of cops. My neighbor across the street is a cop. I have like 6 cousins that are cops down by Payson/Spanish fork area. They never just randomly go to to someone's door and knock and ask to come in and look around. Them doing that is the same likely as you or I doing that.

Maybe they liked my interior decorating that they noticed when they looked through my front window while driving by or something and want some interior decorating advice. I would help them out. I'm a nice helpful guy.

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