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Article about the Jazz by one of the best - Zach Lowe

Lets hope there is truth to this part:

Multiple league sources who dealt with Utah ahead of the deadline insist the Jazz presented themselves as willing to take a step back next season and snag a solid pick in a loaded 2014 draft.
The team is probably already playing Jefferson too much, which brings us back to Corbin. Here's a remarkable thing: Utah's five most-used lineups this season have been outscored. Ditto for 17 of its 18 most commonly used three-man groups, and usually by margins much larger than Utah's overall negative scoring margin.

Only two of the 80 teams that have qualified for the playoffs in the last five years have done so with their top five lineups being outscored: the 2008-09 Bulls, and … last year's Jazz. This is very strong evidence that Corbin is basically just playing the wrong guys and wrong combinations in the wrong minutes distribution. His better defenders and all-around guys — Favors, Kanter, DeMarre Carroll, Gordon Hayward, et al. — deserve a larger chunk of the time going to Jefferson, Mo Williams (now back from injury), and others. Lineup data can be pretty noisy over short sample sizes, but the noise is getting really loud at this point.

There's also the fact that Utah's defense plays with a weird lack of discipline and unclear, unproductive rules. That's partly on Corbin. Jefferson and Millsap are both slow, but Corbin's de facto strategy for defending the high pick-and-roll — the play that kills the Jazz5 — is to have the big man defending the screener jump out so that his body is positioned perpendicular to the baseline, as Jefferson does here in failing to prevent Brandon Jennings from turning the corner:

Hmm some signs that Corbin isn't really doing a good job.
Thanks for posting this.
I too like this part,

"Multiple league sources who dealt with Utah ahead of the deadline insist the Jazz presented themselves as willing to take a step back next season and snag a solid pick in a loaded 2014 draft."

I really hope that is the case, and a few of the vets on the team go find new homes this summer far, far away from Salt Lake.
Not sure I agree with his assessment of Kanter's J. Dude's at 1 point per possession on spotups.
I rate it a 5 out of 10 mainly because I put up screen shots of the PnR double screen featuring Al Jefferson and BAM! it immediately becomes the centerpiece of Zack Lowe's article. Not even a hat tip Zack Lowe? Douche.
I love Zach Lowe. He knows his Jazz, unlike most other sports journalists who just pretend to know the Jazz.
Also, Jazz don't really flex anymore (at all). It's mainly set plays followed by the worst looking motion offense when a play breaks down. Don't know why anyone would call this system a flex offense...
But what if we play the young guns next season and they actually win the games and make the playoffs? Will the Jazz actually "tank"?
I liked the walk through on the break downs in the pick n roll defense. I can tell by watching that Al is bad, but I couldn't always see why. Likewise I knew the Jazz were breaking down because I could see guys wide open, but I couldn't see where/how the breakdown happened. Lowe points a few thing out that I will be watching for next game. I like to be educated as much as I like a good rumour, maybe more so.

The local sports writers and flappers should do film breakdowns or walkthroughs. They will claim they don't because 'its boring, too many fans will tune out', but I suspect it is because it is beyond their comprehension. Anyway, if I were the Jazz I would want to inform and educate my fan base with the stuff to minimize the impact of the uninformed and the influence of the reactionary media.
Yeah, I feel like David Locke and other local journalists knows our players too well on a personal level to actually be critical of them.
Yeah, I feel like David Locke and other local journalists knows our players too well on a personal level to actually be critical of them.

Would we talk the **** we talk on a very large public stage if we had to put our name on it and see the players we are criticizing face to face every single day?
I think it is easier and kinder to the individual to criticize for actions, like : Al didn't step out far enough on that PnR.

Much better than : 'Fat Al does it again, the man is hopeless.'

Followed by: 'Corbin sucks, he is such an idiot that he can't see Al sucking.'
I think it is easier and kinder to the individual to criticize for actions, like : Al didn't step out far enough on that PnR.

Much better than : 'Fat Al does it again, the man is hopeless.'

Followed by: 'Corbin sucks, he is such an idiot that he can't see Al sucking.'

And I think Locke does this. He can't just sit back and pick everyone apart for everything, not in his position.

Looks like we still have a few elements of it but we don't run the heart of the offense.

Most NBA offenses run a little of everything from the various offenses.

Corbin has scrapped a lot of the flex that used to be mainstays and isn't using spacing enough for this to be called flex when he does run some of its elements. (i.e. Deron passing to the 2 on the wing before running to the baseline corner, D-Will flex cut down the middle). Layups are non-existent. Jump shooting is the new normal. They sometimes run the baseline pattern but never more than a screen or two, never continuous.