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As far as I'm concerned, Boozer vs. Big Al is no debate.


Well-Known Member
“I’m the happiest man in the world.”

• “I’ve been put in a great situation.”

• “It’s just a blessing.”

• “I’m going to do whatever it takes. I’ve got to step up to the plate. … I’m excited for training camp to start. And normally I don’t never say that.”
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• “I’m going to do whatever I can, work as hard as I can, so this team can move forward.”

• “I’m just thankful for the opportunity to come here.”

• “I’ve got to come here with my working hat on.”

• “I like to be in the paint, that’s where we get nasty at.”

• “I don’t plan on letting anybody down.”

• “The only thing I can do it lead by example.”

• “It’s going to work out perfect.”

These are quotes taken from Monson's article about Jefferson's press conference.

Both Al and Carlos have their respective strenghts/weaknesses as a player. But in the 24 hours that he's been a Jazzman, Jefferson has already demonstrated that his heart truly is in Utah. He's so psyched to be a part of this organization...to have the chance to really commit himself to a winning organization.

Can anyone honestly say that they EVER felt Booz was 100% committed to building a winner here in Utah? He came here for the $, he left for the $. To me it's cut and dry.

From a talent standpoint, Booz vs. Al is debatable (although I can honestly say I'd take Al). But I'm PSYCHED on the move, if for no other reason that I would 100% rather cheer for a guy with Jefferson's attitude than Boozer's.
Monson's article is wrong. Boozer is not a "low-post" scorer. He's a high post finesse man, ala Chris Webber.

edit: Just read another sltrib article describing Boozer as an "elite low-post scorer". Do these guys really not know the difference?
Jefferson reminds me a lot of Millsap in terms of his attitude. He seems upbeat and grateful for the chance to play here. I like that he mentioned how he needs a tough coach like sloan to get the most out of him. There's not many players in this league who share that same mentality. He seems like a "sloan" player for sure and I have no doubt that he'll quickly become a crowd favorite.
When asked whether he cared about his numbers now that he’s with the Jazz, the big man looked disgusted.

“The thing I care about,” he said, “is winning.”

I like.
Monson's article is wrong. Boozer is not a "low-post" scorer. He's a high post finesse man, ala Chris Webber.

edit: Just read another sltrib article describing Boozer as an "elite low-post scorer". Do these guys really not know the difference?

They're fooled by his muscles and tats. They had his snatch.
I just can't wait for this next season to get going. I hope we hold off on an AK trade though and see how they click for part of the season. Then when his bloated contract is worth something, see if we can pick up someone to plug the most prominent holes if there are any.
When Boozer became available to us from Cleveland, we were already talking to then FA Kenyon Martin. I did take note how quickly we dropped those talks and got Boozer in here and signed. I DID NOT want Kenyon Martin here, so embraced the idea of Boozer at the time. While Boozer has had his good points with us, his overall body of work left much to be desired, especially when the competition got tough. He plays for the numbers; doesn't show much competitiveness.
Boozer at the time was our best option, but Big Al will quickly put the memory of Boozer into the past...
Great to have Big Al but no problem with Booz other than the injury bug. He obviously struggled against length but Booz worked hard and did what he could night in and night out. No reason to dog him because he is gone. He versatility on offense will be missed.
I think Jefferson is so excited because he has been stuck on losing teams. He gets to play for a stable playoff team. Besides he came from Minnesota, which is nice but it is much colder than Utah in the winter.

I supported Boozer and think we will miss his shot making but it was time for him to go. Carlos does show some selfishness at times but I wish him well. I like to concentrate on how excited I am about having AJ.
Carlos was definitely a terrible interview. You could almost see the BS coming out of his mouth as he spoke. And I definitely don't see Jefferson ever saying that he's going to get a raise regardless, lol.
I think that, especially with the help of the coaching staff, Al will make the Paperboy better, and the Paperboy will make Al better. The same can't really be said of Boozer and the Paperboy.
When Boozer became available to us from Cleveland, we were already talking to then FA Kenyon Martin. I did take note how quickly we dropped those talks and got Boozer in here and signed. I DID NOT want Kenyon Martin here, so embraced the idea of Boozer at the time. While Boozer has had his good points with us, his overall body of work left much to be desired, especially when the competition got tough. He plays for the numbers; doesn't show much competitiveness.
Boozer at the time was our best option, but Big Al will quickly put the memory of Boozer into the past...

This is about the third post of yours that echoes my thoughts exactly. I was the same way. I hated the way Carlos and his agent lied to Gund, but I absolutely did NOT want KMart. So I was willing to put aside my morals and embrace Boozer. Hey, he was going to sign with somebody...might as well be the Jazz.

Carlos is a fantastic offensive player. Great fade-away J and I've never seen the kind of handwork he has around the rim, finishing with either hand from multiple release points. But I never got the impression he was ever that concerned about the success of the team as long as he "got his." I mean how many times could he have said, I love this team , I want us to win and will work as hard as I can? Instead multiple times in his early press conferences he said, "I just wanna have fun." The most honest thing he ever said was, "I'm going to get a raise, regardless."

In one afternoon, Al Jefferson displayed more character than Boozer did in 6 years. Maybe Al was just telling us what we wanted to hear. Maybe he's that accomplished of a public speaker. If so, it's hard to believe a kid with just a HS education is smarter than a Dukie.

I know I'm a bit on the conservative side, but what I won't miss is Carlos' vulgarity on the court. I'm not a saint and I've dropped a few F bombs myself when frustrated - even been warned about it. But I don't do it constantly. IMO, it was way over done and way too loud on his part.
Great to have Big Al but no problem with Booz other than the injury bug. He obviously struggled against length but Booz worked hard and did what he could night in and night out. No reason to dog him because he is gone. He versatility on offense will be missed.

"No reason to dog him because he is gone." From a fair, objective point of view what you say is probably true. But who cares about that? Booza is a damn Bull now, and he aint in our camp no mo. That alone is plenty good reason to dog his sorry ***, I figure.