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As the trade deadline inches closer...

George may end up in a ****** situation again next season if Lebron ends up leaving.

Yeah, but at least he gets a final chance to make it the finals and maybe get carried by Lebron to a championship. I think most players would take that chance. Plus next year he is an expiring deal basically so I am sure he will get dealt again next year.
I really think Hood and Favors for either TT or JR and the Brooklyn pick makes a lot of sense.

I don't want JR Smith, but he is only due $14.7 for next year and that's it because 2019-20 is non-guaranteed. I bet the Cavs do this deal in a heartbeat after the Hill trade:

Favors and Hood for JR Smith, Osman and the Brooklyn pick.

In all likelihood, the trade saves Cleveland money this year and next year. Hood is better than JR Smith and Favors can be very helpful for their post. In two trades, they would have added a PG/SG, a SG/SF and a PF/C who all help their matchups against Golden State. They aren't going to be able to find any other deal where they dump JR and add two useful players.
I don't want JR Smith, but he is only due $14.7 for next year and that's it because 2019-20 is non-guaranteed. I bet the Cavs do this deal in a heartbeat after the Hill trade:

Favors and Hood for JR Smith, Osman and the Brooklyn pick.

In all likelihood, the trade saves Cleveland money this year and next year. Hood is better than JR Smith and Favors can be very helpful for their post. In two trades, they would have added a PG/SG, a SG/SF and a PF/C who all help their matchups against Golden State. They aren't going to be able to find any other deal where they dump JR and add two useful players.

I imagine JR would be pretty salty if that trade happened lol.
I don't want JR Smith, but he is only due $14.7 for next year and that's it because 2019-20 is non-guaranteed. I bet the Cavs do this deal in a heartbeat after the Hill trade:

Favors and Hood for JR Smith, Osman and the Brooklyn pick.

In all likelihood, the trade saves Cleveland money this year and next year. Hood is better than JR Smith and Favors can be very helpful for their post. In two trades, they would have added a PG/SG, a SG/SF and a PF/C who all help their matchups against Golden State. They aren't going to be able to find any other deal where they dump JR and add two useful players.

I'd do that because it would give the Jazz $40 million in expirings next season, and a Top 10 pick.
I'd be stunned if we got the Brooklyn pick in any deal involving Hood and Favs (unless we added something else).
I imagine JR would be pretty salty if that trade happened lol.

Haha. Yep. He would. Maybe he retires. I'm sure I can find a trade out there where a 2019 expiring JR finds a home. For as bad as his contract is, it's still better than guys like Mahinmi, Biyombo, Ryan Anderson, Evan Turner, and others.

I bet we could trade JR Smith to the Bucks for Teletovic and Dellie. Or maybe to the Lakers for Deng and a future 1st. Or to Portland in a salary dump deal to get them under the luxury. Or to Washington for Mahinmi and a 1st.
I bet we could trade JR Smith to the Bucks for Teletovic and Dellie. Or maybe to the Lakers for Deng and a future 1st. Or to Portland in a salary dump deal to get them under the luxury. Or to Washington for Mahinmi and a 1st.

What are the limitations (if any) around trading a player you've just traded for, if it's not part of the original deal?
In today's NBA, high draft picks are the most precious of assets. Cleveland isn't moving Brooklyn's pick for anything short of Steph Curry or James Harden; in other words, it ain't going to happen, or it is highly unlikely to happen. Why would the Cavs give up their draft pick for a free agent and a restricted free agent, neither of which is a true game changer for them in terms of winning a title in the next year or so? Honestly, if THIS is what Utah offered for the Brooklyn pick, one can well imagine the loud, boisterous guffaws coming out the the Cav's FO.
Honestly, I wonder whether people proposing some of these deals ever ask themselves why other team would ever want to make the proposed deal. By and large, people don't get into an NBA FO because they are gullible, easily fooled dolts (with some possible exceptions--yes, I'm looking at you Vlade Divac). As a general rule, teams don't trade star players or high draft choices for mediocre talent and filler, no matter how much of it is packaged into the proposed deal, unless they are in fire sale, tanking mode, but even then, they don't lose complete control of their senses.
In today's NBA, high draft picks are the most precious of assets. Cleveland isn't moving Brooklyn's pick for anything short of Steph Curry or James Harden; in other words, it ain't going to happen, or it is highly unlikely to happen. Why would the Cavs give up their draft pick for a free agent and a restricted free agent, neither of which is a true game changer for them in terms of winning a title in the next year or so? Honestly, if THIS is what Utah offered for the Brooklyn pick, one can well imagine the loud, boisterous guffaws coming out the the Cav's FO.

But by using this logic, why in the hell would Cleveland wait to draft a player this summer when they are spending $200+ million on a roster designed to win now? If the Brooklyn pick can give them a chance to win the title, use it and go win try to win the title. If Cleveland is worried about giving up what could be a top 5 pick, put a protection on the pick.

The Cavs will try to use the pick to get Kemba Walker, DeAndre Jordan and maybe another guy we don't even know about. After that, they will do what they can to add more talent. Sure, Hood and Favors aren't Kemba or Jordan. However, Favors addresses a very clear void in post defense and rebounding. Hood is an upgrade over their starting SG JR Smith. Is it ideal for Cleveland? No. Does Favors and Hood help their chances to win a title this year? Yes. It would be two good players instead of 1 great player, but it's still 2 good players they didn't have.
I just can't believe how people are so in love with a pick that might barely be a top 10 pick. Sure, I'd love to have it. But if I were a contender, I would trade it for a proven player and not think twice about it. At the end of the day, your window of time for stars and contention is so small. And the chances a #8-12 pick busts is very high.
I hope DL goes all in and we see Favors, Hood, Burks, Johnson and Rubio all moved. Bring back picks and young players that compliment Gobert, Mitchell and Exum. It appears the FO is wanting to build around those 3. Cool, ok. Then let's do it, all in.
Agree but I'd also be fine watching Jerebko, Sef, and/or Neto gone as well. I like some of those players but at this point it isn't working, non of those guys are long term guys.
I've been trying to say that deals are probably less likely to happen than they appear (at least the plethora of them). People diving in head first because Tony Jones or someone else says something and everyone thinks it's obvious we're making a move with our guys. I think we'll be singing a different tune after the deadline, rationalizing and saying things like "it's just so hard to move guys during the season in today's NBA" and other feel-good statements.

We may have one move, and I'm hoping like hell it's Mirotic, but I again wouldn't be surprised by a move out of left field of Jerebko for a second round pick.
Honestly I hate saying stuff like this....But I'm still paying any attention to this season because the deadline is still coming. If nothing happens I'll probably be mostly done for the year. If Rubio is still here after the deadline...Then I'll have a lot less interest then I've had since the Corbin Debacle.

This front office needs to do something. If for nothing else than to keep their stadium half filled the rest of the season. Because this is the most boring team to watch that Quin has coached since being here.
I don’t like the idea of trading guys just to get rid of them. What’s the point of trading expiring contracts for expiring contracts? That’s just moving pieces around a game board without any plan for how to win.

I’d rather see the organization pivot to reboot around Rudy Gobert. For me, that means chasing a starting 4 and a new wing to team up with Gobert/Mitchell, while figuring out how to move on from the 4 guys that fit the least - Favors, Burks, Rubio & JJ - and (hopefully) get some value out of their contracts in the process.
I'm not sure a team should or can be built around a guy like Gobert. He is far too reliant on his teammates to create all of his offense. Defensively he's obviously a star.