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Ben Bagley


Well-Known Member
From his twitter:

If u know of any openings in PR or Communications please let me know. I'm also working on a sports blog to be up soon. Thank u & stay tuned.

So I take it he has no role with the Jazz or the new 1280 station is that correct?
Interesting. During the transition days the hosts said that he had something lined up and not to worry about him. Maybe it fell through. I think he left on a good note, so maybe he could come back but who knows? I for one like him as a radio host.
Does David Locke have a role either? Sounds like he's just doing that website and that's it.
That being said, I now enjoy quiet rides home at night because my radio is off.

PS- I thought I heard Bags on 1320 last night before clicking off my radio.
They all suck. Bags, all of them.

I find it hard to listen too much of any radio personality. Especially our local guys. Which sucks cuz I want some talk about the Jazz and what not. Most our local guys are a bunch of dweebs who don't know their head from their ***. They try to talk basketball, but it is clear they don't know crap about it.
With Bags gone, who will do the radio player interviews durring pre and post game? I hope its Tony Parks, I don't enjoy Locke's interview style.

bags is a good guy, but i never loved his interviews after the game. they were too templated, obviously just designed to deliver a 20-second soundbyte and not provoke any real thought or wisdom.

question 1: you guys really had a nice stretch in the [particular half or quarter]. what was working for you that got you guys rolling like that?

question 2: how important is it to get this win to [set the tone as you head out onto the road / start this homestand right / prepare for the playoff push]?

don't get me wrong, if there's a place for interview questions that are just meant to set up the sound byte, it's the on-court interview after the game. i just wouldn't mind if occasionally we got to hear the player answer a question that wasn't so scripted.
A selfish hope:

I hope that Bagely gets on the radio on another station, and needing ratings he decides to reveal the real version of the Jerry Sloan drama, tell us what Deron was asking for, and what role KOC and Miller played in the whole affair.

Also, he can tell us about the Roger vs Tyrone dynamic.

It would be career suicide, because he would never be trusted with inside info again, but I'd enjoy it.

This isn't the same Ben Bagley.

Once upon a time a girl in my singles ward DVR'd the Miami Heat game (it was the night of the Miracle in Miami.) A bunch of us went over to her house and watched it. When I got to her house her family was upstairs watching the live game and all my friends were in the basement, they were about half an hour behind. If you remember the game, the Jazz were getting stomped in the third quarter and made the miraculous comeback. Somehow everyone upstairs kept quite during the 4th quarter. I don't know how they did it. Turns out that girl was related to Ben Bagley and he was one of the family members that kept quite upstairs. I don't know how he did it, but I appreciated it! I guess they were quitely fist pumping and making excited yelling faces without producing any sounds. Would have been funny to watch.
They all suck. Bags, all of them.

I find it hard to listen too much of any radio personality. Especially our local guys. Which sucks cuz I want some talk about the Jazz and what not. Most our local guys are a bunch of dweebs who don't know their head from their ***. They try to talk basketball, but it is clear they don't know crap about it.

I disagree.

I've lived a lot of places, and listen to a lot of commentaries around the league.
You have no idea how bad some of these stations guys are, and how little they know.
You can tell at least they almost live and breath the Jazz around here, just like we do.
I disagree.

I've lived a lot of places, and listen to a lot of commentaries around the league.
You have no idea how bad some of these stations guys are, and how little they know.
You can tell at least they almost live and breath the Jazz around here, just like we do.

You just have to accept that we're currently dealing with the most cynical generation ever to come along.