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Bernie Bros... Where ya voting?

Bernie Bros.... Where ya voting?

  • Biden

  • Trump

  • Sanders write in

  • Other/Cheese

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Biden, no real contest and thought to other choices (maybe I'd have looked into 3rd parties in more detail if I was still in South Dakota).
Only one reason to vote this year, get Trump out of office. For that reason everyone in a swing state should vote Biden so as not to muddy the waters and keep their eyes on the prize. In California I can vote for whomever I want because Biden wins here even if video evidence came out that he was torturing and skinning nuns on the weekends.
Vote Trump to continue improving world peace. I find immoral and reprehensible to vote in neo-con Biden. If one thing needed changing in this country it was the vice grip hold the neo-cons had over foreign policy. Absolute monopoly. Total control of both parties for decades with scant dissent to speak of. That needed to change. Trump changed it and Biden will undo all, reverting us to neo-con rule once more.
Only one reason to vote this year, get Trump out of office. For that reason everyone in a swing state should vote Biden so as not to muddy the waters and keep their eyes on the prize. In California I can vote for whomever I want because Biden wins here even if video evidence came out that he was torturing and skinning nuns on the weekends.

I'd definitely vote for a dude that did that on weekends.
Vote Trump to continue improving world peace. I find immoral and reprehensible to vote in neo-con Biden. If one thing needed changing in this country it was the vice grip hold the neo-cons had over foreign policy. Absolute monopoly. Total control of both parties for decades with scant dissent to speak of. That needed to change. Trump changed it and Biden will undo all, reverting us to neo-con rule once more.
The surgery was a success, but the patient died
Vote Trump to continue improving world peace.

How exactly is he improving peace? We're still in Afghanistan last I checked - yes, I know Trump said we're leaving but apparently we're not.

Ripped up the Iran deal thinking he could somehow get a better one - now Trump is pretending it never happened while Iran is back to enriching uranium to produce nuclear weapons

We're actively involved in genocide taking place in Yemen right now - knowing history, you could be pretty sure that's going to come back to bite us in the *** big time someday.

Drone strikes are up from the last administration - not only are they up, under Trump, the military is no longer obligated to disclose information regarding collateral damage. So now we're just taking the military at their word that they'll be very, very careful about drone strikes in the middle of crowded civilian areas.

We pulled out of Syria so Trump could appease one of his thug friends while leaving one of our few allies in the region to be slaughtered.

Even the so called "peace treaty" in the Middle East was a joke. The only two countries that signed on already had normalized relations with Israel. And for putting it on a piece of paper they were promised military hardware and technology. Only a Trump peace treaty could involve an arms deal.
How exactly is he improving peace? We're still in Afghanistan last I checked - yes, I know Trump said we're leaving but apparently we're not.

Ripped up the Iran deal thinking he could somehow get a better one - now Trump is pretending it never happened while Iran is back to enriching uranium to produce nuclear weapons

We're actively involved in genocide taking place in Yemen right now - knowing history, you could be pretty sure that's going to come back to bite us in the *** big time someday.

Drone strikes are up from the last administration - not only are they up, under Trump, the military is no longer obligated to disclose information regarding collateral damage. So now we're just taking the military at their word that they'll be very, very careful about drone strikes in the middle of crowded civilian areas.

We pulled out of Syria so Trump could appease one of his thug friends while leaving one of our few allies in the region to be slaughtered.

Even the so called "peace treaty" in the Middle East was a joke. The only two countries that signed on already had normalized relations with Israel. And for putting it on a piece of paper they were promised military hardware and technology. Only a Trump peace treaty could involve an arms deal.

That's quite a fair and balanced p.o.v. If you don't like it now, wait until the neocons get their boy in. They clearly wanted him in as they did Hillary, and their media goons and corrupt DNC successfully beat Bernie again. Kuddos I guess. Next we know, Russia and China will be pressing their borders again. North Korea flying missiles over Japan. Middle East will be chaos. This is the neocon way.
I live in Oregon, a very solidly blue state. I will double check the polling, but my sense is that Biden has the state sewn up, so I can feel free to vote for who I want, rather than one of the 2 main candidates.
How exactly is he improving peace? We're still in Afghanistan last I checked - yes, I know Trump said we're leaving but apparently we're not.

Ripped up the Iran deal thinking he could somehow get a better one - now Trump is pretending it never happened while Iran is back to enriching uranium to produce nuclear weapons

We're actively involved in genocide taking place in Yemen right now - knowing history, you could be pretty sure that's going to come back to bite us in the *** big time someday.

Drone strikes are up from the last administration - not only are they up, under Trump, the military is no longer obligated to disclose information regarding collateral damage. So now we're just taking the military at their word that they'll be very, very careful about drone strikes in the middle of crowded civilian areas.

We pulled out of Syria so Trump could appease one of his thug friends while leaving one of our few allies in the region to be slaughtered.

Even the so called "peace treaty" in the Middle East was a joke. The only two countries that signed on already had normalized relations with Israel. And for putting it on a piece of paper they were promised military hardware and technology. Only a Trump peace treaty could involve an arms deal.

You act like drawdown can happen overnight and Trump hasn't been trying/succeeding.

“it is our duty to protect the safety of the more than 80,000 Americans who reside in certain coalition countries that have been subject to Houthi attacks from Yemen.”
He also urged members of Congress to instead focus their energies on the drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Syria.

“Congressional engagement in those endeavors would be far more productive than expending time and effort trying to enact this unnecessary and dangerous resolution that interferes with our foreign policy with respect to Yemen,” he said.


And last I checked, Yemen fiasco started under neocon controlled Obama's watch.
A couple of the many artices on the noecon and media now successful fear mongering smear campaigns against true progressives Warren and Sanders. Nevertrumpers like @BabyPeterzz voting Biden is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Opposing neoconservatives makes baby weenerz as bad as Trump: https://www.google.com/amp/s/nymag....akes-you-as-bad-as-trump-neocon-explains.html

300 Bush officials, McCain and Romney people invade the democratic party and back Biden over Trump: https://www.newsclick.in/rotten-alliance-liberals-neocons-shape-U.S-foreign-policy-years-come

You're all being led around by the nose with this never trump ********.
When did you become a delusional doomsdayer? Pound that cane!

Also, we all know you wouldn’t have voted for an outsider from the left. So your takes here RE:anti-neocon are really just a suave way to fully support Trump right out in the open.

When did you become a delusional post-shame, post-truth, post-history neo-neocon?