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Best Big Al trade


Well-Known Member
It's the offseason, most of us want Al out of here via trade to make room for Favs and Kanter. New trade threads involving Big Al are coming at an insane rate of 1/(2*24*60*60)
Insider info tells us that the Jazz are definitely looking to trade Al, maybe even for draft picks.

So in your opinion, what's the most sensible and best trade for Al and what is his value?

Feel free to include Raja Bell into Al trades. Pretty sure he's out this season too.

I'll start:
Big Al for Iguadola, if it's possible. Iggy would be a great SF to have.
I'm going to pretend someone didn't just punch me in the stomach

-Al to Indy for who cares.
-Al to Houston for who gives a ****.
-Al to Milwaukee for an actual ****.
Al to the Austin Toros for Milt Palacio, a 7th round CFL pick, and a pair of shoelaces.
Al and Devin to the Rockets for Goran Dragic (sign and trade) and Kevin Martin. We get the shooter we need -- Martin could come off the bench. Only question I have is Martin's health. He hurt his shoulder and did not play the last five weeks of the season. Then we sign AK

Dragic / Tinsley / Watson
Hayward / Burks / Martin
AK / Millsap / Carroll / Free Agent Who Can Hit the 3 - Korver ???
Millsap / AK
Favors / Kanter / Free Agent Big Shot Blocker Who Can Play the 4 or 5
Al and Devin to the Rockets for Goran Dragic (sign and trade) and Kevin Martin. We get the shooter we need -- Martin could come off the bench. Only question I have is Martin's health. He hurt his shoulder and did not play the last five weeks of the season. Then we sign AKDragic / Tinsley / Watson
Hayward / Burks / Martin
AK / Millsap / Carroll / Free Agent Who Can Hit the 3 - Korver ???
Millsap / AK
Favors / Kanter / Free Agent Big Shot Blocker Who Can Play the 4 or 5

Al and Devin to the Rockets for Goran Dragic (sign and trade) and Kevin Martin. We get the shooter we need -- Martin could come off the bench. Only question I have is Martin's health. He hurt his shoulder and did not play the last five weeks of the season. Then we sign AK

Dragic / Tinsley / Watson
Hayward / Burks / Martin
AK / Millsap / Carroll / Free Agent Who Can Hit the 3 - Korver ???
Millsap / AK
Favors / Kanter / Free Agent Big Shot Blocker Who Can Play the 4 or 5

We're gonna trade for Kevin Martin to make I'm our 3rd string SG and start AK at SF? Yeah, that sounds totally legit to me.

/You're a sociopathic maniac and I am truly afraid of you. Get mental help immediately.
PKM is there a team that would perhaps take Al for nothing? Or a late second? Or anything? I really feel that this in particular would be addition by subtraction.
PKM is there a team that would perhaps take Al for nothing? Or a late second? Or anything? I really feel that this in particular would be addition by subtraction.

I would think so .. but I am only aware of a limited number of conversations, and all of them seem to be a firm, 'no.'
Jefferson and next years 1st rounder (top 5 protection just in case) for Okafor and the later of New Orleans lottery picks.

Utah does it too get a lottery pick and improve defense.

New Orleans does it too give their team legitimate offense. Also Jefferson makes a good pair if they land Davis. Also, rids them of the extra year that is Okafor's contract, allowing them to potentially sign some big name FA's in 2013. Also, they get an extra 1st rounder next year to compensate for the loss of this years.
Jefferson and next years 1st rounder (top 5 protection just in case) for Okafor and the later of New Orleans lottery picks.

Utah does it too get a lottery pick and improve defense.

New Orleans does it too give their team legitimate offense. Also Jefferson makes a good pair if they land Davis. Also, rids them of the extra year that is Okafor's contract, allowing them to potentially sign some big name FA's in 2013. Also, they get an extra 1st rounder next year to compensate for the loss of this years.

Jazz = yes.
Jefferson for Okafur is on my short list.

With varying degrees of plausibility/excitement here are a few others:

Jefferson to Cleveland for Anderson Varejao and a pick - Cleveland deparately needs scoring.. My guess is they'd rather have Jefferson for one year than try to resign Antawn Jamison. And by the time they get good again Varejao would probably be too old to contribute. A Favors/Varejao front court would be almost as good as Favors/Okafur

Jefferson to Detroit for Ben Gordon - Detroit is bottom tier team that is paying Gordon 13 mil to split SG minutes. Detroit has 20+ mil tied up in Gordon and Villanueva in 2013-14. They'd probably love to get rid of one if not both of them. Detriot gets an expiring and The Jazz get a legit 3 point shooter with a rep as a clutch shooter and a proven playoff performer (unlike Kevin Martin)

Jefferson to GS for Andres Biedrins and Brandon Rush (sign/trade). GSW has a **** load of money tied up in Bogut/Lee/Jefferson and Biedrins over the next two years. They risk going way, way over the cap matching Curry when he's an RFA after next year. I'd rather have Lee than Biedrins; but I don't think that's realistic