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Bin Laden is dead

It's great, if true, in the sense that Osama is confirmed dead. But that's it. I don't want to hear this as justification for more war mongering.
Sorry man, I tried to positive rep this and my stupid computer hiccuped and it neg repped at the last second. My bad bro, was meant to be a pos.

No problem :D

FWIW, I ripped off the joke from somewhere else, but I wanted to be the first to get it here. I could only be so clever.
I have a hard time believing it. If you do a quick google search for "Osama Bin Laden Dead" you see articles from 2005 to 2009 saying the same thing in different regards. Including one that claims he has been dead for 7 years. I will wait for an official announcement before getting too excited about it.

If so, then good riddance.
I have a hard time believing it. If you do a quick google search for "Osama Bin Laden Dead" you see articles from 2005 to 2009 saying the same thing in different regards. Including one that claims he has been dead for 7 years. I will wait for an official announcement before getting too excited about it.

If so, then good riddance.

I think the president will be coming on shortly to announce it. How cool would it be if a guy like that one crazy sword wielding dude killed him?
News are saying he has been dead for a week and the DNA evidence confirmed it was him.

Huge notch on Obama's belt for his re-election efforts. I wonder how happy Bush is right now? Every American should be extemely proud and happy.

He was killed in a mansion in Pakistan? Wow thanks for your help Pakistan! Idiots.
I have a hard time believing it. If you do a quick google search for "Osama Bin Laden Dead" you see articles from 2005 to 2009 saying the same thing in different regards. Including one that claims he has been dead for 7 years. I will wait for an official announcement before getting too excited about it.

If so, then good riddance.

Maybe, but every major news organization is reporting on it and apparently Obama is going to talk about it. If it's a hoax, this will have major, major backfire.
I think the president will be coming on shortly to announce it. How cool would it be if a guy like that one crazy sword wielding dude killed him?

Boy, a massive crowd is gathering in front of the White House in celebration. It's goosebump inducing.
Boy, a massive crowd is gathering in front of the White House in celebration. It's goosebump inducing.

Well said. This is what I was thinking (just made it my facebook status). How did you like Obama's pimp walk away from the camera after the speech? I love being an American.
"God Bless America
land that I love,
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a Light from Above."

Hopefully they party in NYC, the Pentagon, and a lonely Pennsylvania field all night long.