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Book Report Time: Anitfragile by Nassim Nicolas Taleb

Magic Spray

Well-Known Member
Very interesting book. Anyone read it?

For the unread, the Fragile-Resilient-Antifragile continuum isn't about physical health, it's about the response to chaos/uncertainty. Fragile individuals/organizations/systems break in response to stress, Resilient indivs/orgs/sys are robust and remain unchanged in response to stress, Antifragile indivs/orgs/sys actually grow and thrive in response to chaos.

Thought I'd posit some NBA-related examples.

Fragile: Dwight Howard
Resilient: Karl Malone
Antifragile: Dennis Rodman

Fragile: George Karl
Resilient: Jerry Sloan
Antifragile: Pat Riley

If you read the book, I'd love to hear your feedback. Thought it was good.