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Brett Favre is retiring... again.

I will only believe it when the season starts and he doesn't.

If he does actually retire, how stupid does the Viking front office look for avoiding Clausen, McCoy, etc. in the draft to appease Favruh?
This is too bad...I was really looking forward to watching the Packers beat him this year. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with watching Aaron Rodgers and that Packers' D rip Tavaris Jackson to shreds.
This is too bad...I was really looking forward to watching the Packers beat him this year. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with watching Aaron Rodgers and that Packers' D rip Tavaris Jackson to shreds.

Did you happen to get the broom I sent you for the clean sweep we layed on the cheeseheads last year? That vaunted pack D that you are raving so much about that handled the Cards so well in the playoffs just got a year older, especially at the corners. Seriously though, I will believe this when the season starts and Favre does not. Along that same school of thought, I concede it will be much harder to beat the pack without Favre.
I actually believe him this time. It's not as if he's doing his usual back-and-forth in regards to whether he wants to play or not. He clearly wants to play. It sounds like his ankle is not recovering from surgery as fast as he had hoped. I think he realizes that at his age, playing football on basically one leg is a really bad idea.
I can understand hating the constant coverage. But hate ESPN et al. for that, it's not Favre's fault. Somebody must enjoy it or they wouldn't be putting it on.
I can understand hating the constant coverage. But hate ESPN et al. for that, it's not Favre's fault. Somebody must enjoy it or they wouldn't be putting it on.

I was watching ESPn this morning and turned it off about 5 minutes after they broke the Favre news...I couldn't take it!
Did you happen to get the broom I sent you for the clean sweep we layed on the cheeseheads last year? That vaunted pack D that you are raving so much about that handled the Cards so well in the playoffs just got a year older, especially at the corners. Seriously though, I will believe this when the season starts and Favre does not. Along that same school of thought, I concede it will be much harder to beat the pack without Favre.

It's a new year buddy. I don't have a problem admitting that the Vikings were clearly the better team last year but things have changed. The Pack were the number one rush defense in the league last year, their passing D wasn't as good but was still top 10 and was amongst the league leaders in forced turnovers. Funny how you say the D being a year older automatically makes them worse, I was unaware that's how things worked. The last I checked, young defenses only improve. With the exception of Woodson and Harris, everybody on the team is greatly progressing and when it comes to those two, they're as good as anybody so the age argument is moot. Woodson was the defensive player of the year last time I checked and Harris looked great before he got hurt. We have up and coming corners behind them in Tramon Williams and Will Blackmon not to mention a ball hawk (Collins) and a knock your teeth out hitter (Bigby) healthy and read to bolster that secondary. The first year of the 3-4 in GB was a great success and it's rumored to have only gotten better with the maturation of these players within the system. The one argument that can really be made about the defense this year is the loss of Jolly but Dom Capers is moving Ryan Pickett over to an end and we'll get a full season of BJ Raji who's an absolute beast at the NT, that move is only going to help.

The biggest weakness is the O-line which improved greatly towards the end of the year and is only going to get better with the growth of the younger guys and the addition of Bulaga. Aaron Rodgers is a year older and a year better and our receivers are as good as ever. So go ahead, rub in last years sweep. I hope you enjoy reliving the overtime pick and Favre holding your organization by the sack thus leaving you with Tarvaris Jackson or Sage Freakin Rosenfels as your starting QB next year...I sure don't miss that. As for me, I'm looking forward to this year more than any one season in the last decade. Good luck to your team.
"I don't want to come to training camp and deal with all that ****. I REALLY don't want to do two-a-days. I'll announce I'm retiring and then come back for the last week of practice and the preseason to be ready for opening weekend."
Brett "Attention Whore" Favre
I think ESPN is running with this too soon. Farve hasnt made an announcement that he's retiring. Farve hasnt told the Vikings FO or coaches that he's retiring. At most, he may have texted a couple teammates, but if this is blown out of proportion and he comes back... we cant jump on Farve, its alllll ESPN. Its not like Farve came out and made a statement then backtracked; technically, he hasnt said anything yet.

Word has it Minny is throwing more money at him as we speak in hopes of luring him back again. Will it work? Who knows. But he hasnt waffled this year...yet. Seems his stance this summer has pretty consistently been "I want to come back, but my ankle isnt cooperating...Ill keep rehabbing it right up until the last minute in hopes it comes around and make a decision then."