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Brett Favre is retiring... again.

I think ESPN is running with this too soon. Farve hasnt made an announcement that he's retiring. Farve hasnt told the Vikings FO or coaches that he's retiring. At most, he may have texted a couple teammates, but if this is blown out of proportion and he comes back... we cant jump on Farve, its alllll ESPN. Its not like Farve came out and made a statement then backtracked; technically, he hasnt said anything yet.

Word has it Minny is throwing more money at him as we speak in hopes of luring him back again. Will it work? Who knows. But he hasnt waffled this year...yet. Seems his stance this summer has pretty consistently been "I want to come back, but my ankle isnt cooperating...Ill keep rehabbing it right up until the last minute in hopes it comes around and make a decision then."

Yep. Seems like ESPN got it wrong once again.
"I don't want to come to training camp and deal with all that ****. I REALLY don't want to do two-a-days. I'll announce I'm retiring and then come back for the last week of practice and the preseason to be ready for opening weekend."
Brett "Attention Whore" Favre

That was retarded.
As a Packer fan, I REALLY don't miss this crap. It's so ridiculous that he holds his team down, dangles them on a string for as long as he wants, and then expects everybody to bend over backwards for his decision. I know this one is more on ESPN's shoulders than it is on his, but have some respect for the team you play for. On a brighter note, I really look forward to those Packers-Vikings matchups this year if he does return.