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Burks 4 year $42 million extension!

Three core players all got big extensions and the team sucks balls. This question really needs to be asked?

Yeah the team has looked bad in those 2 games under a new head coach against top tier playoff teams. Time to clean house.

What a joke.

Burks, #10, the 10 million dollar man...






I've never seen anyone win a Burks war with fishonjazz. He knows the guy like the back of his hand and probably has multiple spreadsheets on his laptop open at all times, ready for anyone who wants to argue numbers with him.

Kinda true.

I went back and watched the first game again (I was at the game but I recorded and it was sitting on my dvr.)
In the first half burks had ONE pick n roll ran for him total. In the 2nd half he had 2.
It's a lot in the current market, but it is OK in a market with projected 80-90 million salary cap(that would be just 12-13% from our cap in years 2-4, that's acceptable even if we think that he won't be star but just a starter, hell it's acceptable even if we think he's going to be our 6th man). I wonder if they front loaded, to retain flexibility in the later years or if it is a regular type of contract with small increases every year/equally distributed. I guess it depends on when we want to make a big move of some sort. If we are content on being bad for this year and don't expect to make big noise in '15-'16, it makes sense to front load it.

For the people comparing his contract to Lance and Ariza - all those contracts were signed before the news about the new TV deal surfaced. It might have been projected, but having it for sure guarantees huge increase in salary cap and guarantees solid increase in salaries. Also - do you really want to pay the price of the crazy? By all accounts Lance destroyed the locker room in Indiana and that's why he didn't get a better contract from them, are you willing to bet whatever is the difference between Burks and Stephenson in quality and salary that he won't destroy your lockerroom too? Especially when our team is loaded with young, inexperienced players.

About Ariza - his contract started already. This year! This year we are paying Alec 4.5 million. Also Ariza is going to be in his 30s by mid-contract. Would you rather have Burks in his prime or Ariza in his 30s?
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sample size.

We had a good half against the Rockets. Our half-court defense needs a lot more work. Our offense is going to take time to come together... and it probably isn't great that we have the hardest schedule in the NBA during November... because we'll be trying to implement this stuff while getting popped in the mouth by the best. (Meanwhile... 7 of the first 8 games for the Clippers are at Staples, and the other game is in California.... how does this **** get worked out?).

Yeah, the real test is to see how the team responds after this month's *** whooping, cuz it's probably going to continue unless we capitalize on teams B2B's against us. If we continue the 3pt onslaught odds are that we will go off one night and beat a team we aren't suppose to.
You are the king of cherry picking stats.

Maybe right.
in this case though another poster brought up a comparison of burks vs derozan as far as shooting goes. I provided stats listed by a credible source. Sorry this upsets you.

I didn't say anything like, I think burks is better than derozan or anything. Strange how upset you get about it.
Kinda true.

I went back and watched the first game again (I was at the game but I recorded and it was sitting on my dvr.)
In the first half burks had ONE pick n roll ran for him total. In the 2nd half he had 2.

Probably because Burks has been awful in the pick n roll his entire career? Burks doesn't even use pick n rolls when given to him.
Wonder if 10 million a year will cure Burks' case of tunnel vision.

We can only hope.

Defense improved, check
shooting improved, check
taking more threes, check
free throw shooting percentage increase, check (87 percent!)
He is running out of weaknesses. Hopefully soon he will become a better passer, then he can work on not taking a dribble before shooting his threes (even if they are going in at a 57% clip)
Maybe right.
in this case though another poster brought up a comparison of burks vs derozan as far as shooting goes. I provided stats listed by a credible source. Sorry this upsets you.

I didn't say anything like, I think burks is better than derozan or anything. Strange how upset you get about it.

Let me tell you something about human nature. Anything... and I mean ANYTHING... becomes painful if it is repeated endlessly. Ask your lady to stroke your dick, and keep stroking.... within a couple of hours it will go from pleasure to pain.

You've been stroking Burks too long. It hurts. Stop.
Probably because Burks has been awful in the pick n roll his entire career? Burks doesn't even use pick n rolls when given to him.
Maybe it was good coaching then. If so, Sweet! Good job burks and Snyder for understanding each other.
Let me tell you something about human nature. Anything... and I mean ANYTHING... becomes painful if it is repeated endlessly. Ask your lady to stroke your dick, and keep stroking.... within a couple of hours it will go from pleasure to pain.

You've been stroking Burks too long. It hurts. Stop.

You are not helping btw.
Notice how the more you post, the more I respond with more burks stuff.

Gtfo and it will probably slow my burks talk.
Yeah the team has looked bad in those 2 games under a new head coach against top tier playoff teams. Time to clean house.

What a joke.

Seriously... This ain't a fantasy team it takes time for things to work. Also, we've played to really good veteran teams.

If this core ends up being mediocre we can trade some of these pieces... All of them, including Gordon, have trade value. The real core of this team may be Exum, Rudy, and Player X... who the hell knows, but if you have the opportunity to extend a young talented guy you do it.

Also, on the open market Alec would likely get more than this... tons of teams will have cap space next year. DL was smart to get the guy at this price.
I'm an admitted burks lover so I'm happy this deal got done. It's a bit high but I'm hoping with the new tv deal it should look much bette
Projected salary cap for the 2016/17 season: $87,196,327

He will get 12% of that salary cap.

12% is the equivalent of his season's $7,594,155. You guys can't live with that number?

So we are overpaying him for one year really. I'll take that.
Two questions:

1) How many other young, up-and-coming SGs does the market have right now?

2) Can the Jazz afford to lose an asset of Burks' caliber or get jacked on an RFA deal (like Hayward) at this stage of the rebuild?

I guarantee you this factored into the decision with Alec Burks. If nothing else, the certainty of knowing Burks will stay with the Jazz and the cost enable the Jazz to make other important decisions this year and next year.
sample size.

You honestly don't think this team is bad because they've only played two games and there is nothing else to go on? Nothing at all?

Jazz are lucky they can throw max money at one guy this summer. Let's hope they convince someone to come to town.
sample size.

We had a good half against the Rockets. Our half-court defense needs a lot more work. Our offense is going to take time to come together... and it probably isn't great that we have the hardest schedule in the NBA during November... because we'll be trying to implement this stuff while getting popped in the mouth by the best. (Meanwhile... 7 of the first 8 games for the Clippers are at Staples, and the other game is in California.... how does this **** get worked out?).

That Ballmer guy and Adam Silver had something going on behind the scenes for sure. *Puts on tin foil hat
You are not helping btw.
Notice how the more you post, the more I respond with more burks stuff.

Gtfo and it will probably slow my burks talk.

I doubt you'll stop obliterating every single burks thread into unreadable jibberish. Prove me wrong. Please.