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Burks 42m / 4yr Extension: Thoughts?

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I'm totally fine with this and hope it ends most of the distraction this season. Man, Kanter should be beating his agent within an inch of his life right about now...
Extremely fine with this. Burks was due for 8 mill per. Factor in small-market overpay, and the looming cap increase-- and this equates to a damn good deal.

Way to go, FO.
As a fan, contracts, negotiations and salaries are my least favorite thing about basketball. That being said, I am happy with this announcement. It seems fair to both sides, the talk is now over, and it keeps Alec part of the team.
So short of a trade Favors, Gobert, Hood, Burke, Exum, Hayward and Burks will be here the next 2-4 years at least.

How does that look as the jazz core...
Extremely fine with this. Burks was due for 8 mill per. Factor in small-market overpay, and the looming cap increase-- and this equates to a damn good deal.

Way to go, FO.

Agreed - good job shoring up Burks on a reasonable deal; which will probably look like a bargain 2/3 years from now.

Also, like Favors, a trade-able contract too.
So short of a trade Favors, Gobert, Hood, Burke, Exum, Hayward and Burks will be here the next 2-4 years at least.

How does that look as the jazz core...

Love it. Obviously another piece or two is needed - whether that's by draft or FA, I don't care because I'm confident in DL and coach Snyder.
I posted in the other thread how much I love it...... but that doesn't do the way I feel justice.

I am a HUGE jazz fan (as most all of you are) and burks is by far my favorite player. Im sooooo happy at this news.
Love it. Was hoping to lock him up, and it's not a major overpay by any means, unless you hate him I guess.
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