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Butt cheek the new cleavage?


Active Member
There is a new trend for women to wear shorts so short that almost half their *** cheek is exposed. Has any one else noticed this and what say you?

Personally, I think it's ****ing awesome! Then again, I live next to two yoga studios and the talent is quite nice. I would assume the people of WalMart are wearing this **** too and that would be terrifying!
You know, on the one hand I don't mind seeing it, but on the other I just don't get it from the girls perspective.

This is a confusing world we live in for guys these days. Are we supposed to look? Or is this a fun game where we're not supposed to look so were supposed to steal a look here and there. Do you girls doing this want creepy old guys like me ogling you? Once half your *** is hanging out you can't suddenly become selective, like only cute guys are supposed to notice.

It def sends the message that the girl is hot to trot, whether true or not. That's not a bad thing necessarily, but the message is being broadcast to everyone everywhere you go. Us guys are visually stimulated. We see taboo body parts hanging out and we get aroused, plain and simple. Some guys don't have any manners...those are the guys who in equal parts seems to get the chicks in the sack and the ones the girls like to complain about. Either way, it makes us guys who conduct ourselves with a little more class feel like we're doing it wrong.
You mean like this?

or like this?
You know, on the one hand I don't mind seeing it, but on the other I just don't get it from the girls perspective.

This is a confusing world we live in for guys these days. Are we supposed to look? Or is this a fun game where we're not supposed to look so were supposed to steal a look here and there. Do you girls doing this want creepy old guys like me ogling you? Once half your *** is hanging out you can't suddenly become selective, like only cute guys are supposed to notice.

It def sends the message that the girl is hot to trot, whether true or not. That's not a bad thing necessarily, but the message is being broadcast to everyone everywhere you go. Us guys are visually stimulated. We see taboo body parts hanging out and we get aroused, plain and simple. Some guys don't have any manners...those are the guys who in equal parts seems to get the chicks in the sack and the ones the girls like to complain about. Either way, it makes us guys who conduct ourselves with a little more class feel like we're doing it wrong.

Just be like "Yo, bish, dem shotes jes gimme a week worth uh material you know wut I'm sayin". Then run from her big *** boyfriend.
Sorry guys. Here's a peace offering.





I wonder why no girls come to these forums...
I don't like that.

I'm down for more of a teasing type thing. You get enough to let your mind wander but not as much as those (almost) bikini bottoms show.

I'm all about the yoga pants

Do you know that because your girlfriend has it or something?
Chemical imbalance where you secrete an excess amount of stress hormone. Stress hormone tells your body "oh **** we are living in stressful times" and causes you to store huge amounts of fat. It more specifcally stores most of the fat in the stomach region. So people that get this are really fat around the stomach region and have relatively tiny amount stored in the *** and boobs region. Not to mention they have a boatload of stress hormone in their body so they are pretty depressed and stressed out all the time. Whenever you see someone who is really fat but has an extremely tiny *** usually has this.
Chemical imbalance where you secrete an excess amount of stress hormone. Stress hormone tells your body "oh **** we are living in stressful times" and causes you to store huge amounts of fat. It more specifcally stores most of the fat in the stomach region. So people that get this are really fat around the stomach region and have relatively tiny amount stored in the *** and boobs region. Not to mention they have a boatload of stress hormone in their body so they are pretty depressed and stressed out all the time. Whenever you see someone who is really fat but has an extremely tiny *** usually has this.

Oh. Well I don't think she has it then. I think those short shorts are just squeezing her *** upward.
Google image Cushing's syndrome. I would post a picture here but the illustrations have a nipple drawn in and I don't know if that is considered infraction worthy but it looks pretty similar to her body.