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Can the Jazz make the playoffs or should we make a move to improve our team?

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Here is my point are we trying to make a run or are we just fine with trying to see what the status quo will get us? We can clearly see that we are lacking at PG. We have some assets I think that we could bring in another pg that fits our system who can defend and we might be legit this year. Devin Harris has lost a step or two and he his game doesn't seem to fit the system. I think we could entice a team like Boston if we threw Big Al and Harris at them for a player like a Rondo and we could take one of their unwanted salaries on our books like Jermaine O'Neal. It just seems like KOC is sitting back when this team is a player away right now from competing.
Here is my point are we trying to make a run or are we just fine with trying to see what the status quo will get us? We can clearly see that we are lacking at PG. We have some assets I think that we could bring in another pg that fits our system who can defend and we might be legit this year. Devin Harris has lost a step or two and he his game doesn't seem to fit the system. I think we could entice a team like Boston if we threw Big Al and Harris at them for a player like a Rondo and we could take one of their unwanted salaries on our books like Jermaine O'Neal. It just seems like KOC is sitting back when this team is a player away right now from competing.

Trade deadline is not until March 15th. Believe he is looking at what will improve us for the future not what we could do for this one year. I certainly would be open to moving everyone except the Future Four and perhaps Millsap.
I would hope that a GM (especially the Jazz's) would always be looking fo rwhat would improve the team. Keep your eyes and ears open and if you can find somethign then you pull the trigger.

I would not trade Favors, Hayward, Burks or Kanter unless the deal was just phenominal.
don't you feel we are a decent PG away? I also wouldn't trade Favors, Burks, Kanter, and Millsap. But the rest of the team if we want to improve for the future we still can make a move that allows us to win more now. I'm a huge Al Jefferson guy but if we have the youth that we do and Millsap playing great I think he is a big chip to allow us to trade. Devin Harris is not what we need he is decent but just look at what Paul is doing in LA he is taking two young bigs and giving them the ball in a position to make them great. Granted he is a top 5 pg. But, Rondo has to be in the top 10 in the league and he is a pass first guy that would fit our system.
Think they would take Harris, the golden state pick and some cash for Rondo? Could something like that work? or could we use our trade exception to sweeten the deal? If we could get Rondo and Keep Al we will be better off.
I think we could entice a team like Boston if we threw Big Al and Harris at them for a player like a Rondo and we could take one of their unwanted salaries on our books like Jermaine O'Neal. It just seems like KOC is sitting back when this team is a player away right now from competing.

...we don't want that puke O'Neal on our team under ANY circumstances! Rondo isn't the answer, either, at point guard. We need OUTSIDE shooting, not a guard who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!
It just seems like KOC is sitting Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah back Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah back Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah back Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah back Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Same old ****. What a surprise.
Think they would take Harris, the golden state pick and some cash for Rondo? Could something like that work? or could we use our trade exception to sweeten the deal? If we could get Rondo and Keep Al we will be better off.

If there is a player that is a worse fit for the plodding Celts than Rondo, it's Harris.

That being said Jefferson would be perfect for them, and he's never looked better.
Whoa KOC Begone, if Freak really is Harpring, that was a low blow -- not nice. But then the guy had a good career in the league and now he's a broadcaster -- I sure would like his mediocrity.
Utah should use CJ Miles or a trade exception, deal for a 3 point shooter and a make a serious run at the playoffs. The GS pick is looking good right now. We need them to at least finish 8th for us to get it and right now they'd be picking 11th. If Utah can add a 3 point threat to help this team going forward, I think they can turn around and get their PG of the future in next years draft with the GS pick.

The nucleas of this team is already in place and IMO the sooner they can start getting playoff experience, the better.
I want to make the playoffs, but realize if we don't make it that's ok too. It's a win win really. Our team improves either way.
Folks are talking like a team would have interest in Harris. News Flash: nobody wants Harris. (is anyone else as annoyed at Malones signiture 'news flash' phraze as I am?)

He's making loads of money more than he's worth with his current play level. In order to trad him, we would have to take back a worse salary, and also we would have to give them something else of value. (and no, throwing 15 MIL per year Al Jefferson wouldn't help, that would add more salary to a team who would be wanting to cut salary.) That means either the golden state pick or a young talent. CJ doesn't work because his expiring contract isn't big enough to make a difference, and he's playing at about his salary level. The rooks and the sophs are not tradeable at this point, and nobody else makes a significant difference.

As for starting Tinsley, sure, I'd be curious to see that, but then you have to admit that your 9 mil player Harris is worse than a guy who was just in the DLeague. That hurts.

By the way, Assuming that Harris starts because he's a former all star........ Who is the primary backup: Watson whom we all love even though his stats are almost non existant, or Tinsley who isn't as fast, but is twice the passer of the other two?

In two years, or next year if Harris gets traded, and we draft a point guard to be our future at the 1, I think I'd rather have Tinsley teach him how to play the 1 more than either Harris or Watson. (Definately not Harris.)
Folks are talking like a team would have interest in Harris. News Flash: nobody wants Harris. (is anyone else as annoyed at Malones signiture 'news flash' phraze as I am?)

He's making loads of money more than he's worth with his current play level. In order to trad him, we would have to take back a worse salary, and also we would have to give them something else of value. (and no, throwing 15 MIL per year Al Jefferson wouldn't help, that would add more salary to a team who would be wanting to cut salary.) That means either the golden state pick or a young talent. CJ doesn't work because his expiring contract isn't big enough to make a difference, and he's playing at about his salary level. The rooks and the sophs are not tradeable at this point, and nobody else makes a significant difference.

As for starting Tinsley, sure, I'd be curious to see that, but then you have to admit that your 9 mil player Harris is worse than a guy who was just in the DLeague. That hurts.

By the way, Assuming that Harris starts because he's a former all star........ Who is the primary backup: Watson whom we all love even though his stats are almost non existent, or Tinsley who isn't as fast, but is twice the passer of the other two?

In two years, or next year if Harris gets traded, and we draft a point guard to be our future at the 1, I think I'd rather have Tinsley teach him how to play the 1 more than either Harris or Watson. (Definately not Harris.)

Edit: Oh, and never throw away the season. No tanking. The reason the Jazz have been in the playoffs so regularly is because the coaches never have the players play to lose, they always play to win which creates a winning culture. Essential for any rookies we get.

We have our future superstar core, which means we can ride late first round and second round picks for at least ten years and still be a contender if it works out right.