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Well-Known Member
2018 Prediction Contest Winner
I seriously think he would make us a contender. He is arguably the best pure scorer. And we will be fine defensively. Hayward wasnt a defensive prowess like Kawhi anyways.

Just throw burks favors and a pick and be done with it.
Hell no. I want no part of Melo in a Jazz uniform. Ever.
I seriously think he would make us a contender. He is arguably the best pure scorer. And we will be fine defensively. Hayward wasnt a defensive prowess like Kawhi anyways.

Just throw burks favors and a pick and be done with it.

He's not coming but a contender.....really?
No. Just no. Jazz need to get younger and start prepping for next offseason. They can't afford to make dumb moves right now. They need to re-tool around Gobert, Rubio, Hood and Mitchell.
For comedy purposes it would be hilarious, like when Rasheed Wallace played 3 games for the Atlanta Hawks. Also, would be funny for Melo to return to the scenes of so many crimes, like AK punking him, Fesenko punking him, our fans punking him.
This is the only Carmelo I want.
