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CEO raises minimum wage to $70000, takes $70000 wage himself until profits are met.

you'll end it, eh? lolol

nice doucheface comment, too

ElRoachO ftw

Don't be a dick. He's got a right to a voice too. And he's got a helluva lot to be proud of.

Wouldn't you be pissy if you saw it as someone taking a large piece of your pride out from under you?
He made a good point though. I was in your same shoes. VERY left wing in some of my ideas. Then I grew up got a job and realized that most of my left wing ideas that were implemented in fact made my life more difficult. I still lean left on social issues, but as far as economic issues I lean right. The leftist economic issues only help the poor, which I don't necessarily have a problem with but when $$ is coming out of my pocket to make life easier for someone else, well that kind of sucks. If I was rich it would be different but I'm middle class. I need that money for me and my family. I don't make enough to just be giving it to someone else willy nilly.

That's how the cookie crumbles. My family is middle class & I pay for my school, but we still pay taxes. That's why progressive taxation is important-- you tax in a progressive manner based on how much income a family is making.

Saying I support left-wing because it benefits me at the current juncture of my life would be awfully short-sighted of me. I'm pursuing a career that would keep me fine financially pretty much no matter what the government looks like. I'm just staunchly in belief of offering every born child to be as successful as they can be, however they happen to define their success. Right now all of North America has differing starting points for children & it hurts us all in the long run. I'm a faithful man, and I truly believe that it isn't what God would want.

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He made a good point though. I was in your same shoes. VERY left wing in some of my ideas. Then I grew up got a job and realized that most of my left wing ideas that were implemented in fact made my life more difficult. I still lean left on social issues, but as far as economic issues I lean right. The leftist economic issues only help the poor, which I don't necessarily have a problem with but when $$ is coming out of my pocket to make life easier for someone else, well that kind of sucks. If I was rich it would be different but I'm middle class. I need that money for me and my family. I don't make enough to just be giving it to someone else willy nilly.

Perhaps you didn't read my comment above.

See, the rich and middle class in this country benefit the most from social welfare. Where entitlement spending goes, 68% goes to the the upper and middle class. Only 32% goes to the bottom 20%. Overall, 96% of Americans benefit from some kind of social program.

And a link

I agree, i cringe at extreme progressive tax plans. I believe in proportionality and paying your fair share. Perhaps a flat tax or something close to it?

Flat Taxes are an awful idea-- 10% of a dude making $120000 a year means that maybe he can only stay in Hawaii for one week on his annual vacation, as opposed to two.

10% for a family making $40000 a year means that their kids could go to sleep hungry every now and then.

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Don't be a dick. He's got a right to a voice too. And he's got a helluva lot to be proud of.

Wouldn't you be pissy if you saw it as someone taking a large piece of your pride out from under you?

if you're asking me to (a) imagine some holy right to POSSESS what I call mine, (b) imagine my holy right to ACCUMULATE as much as I see fit, and (c) imagine any social body in black and white terms (as helping or hurting me) and by metrics that I can calculate......... then, I'll probably feel nausea before I feel this "pride" you're talking about.

Do you want me to pity PKM? I already do.
As a general observation, executive salaries in the US are outrageous. Executives justify these exorbitant salaries arguing that they are necessary to attract top executive talent. I call BS. Consider the following:

1. Executives in other other developed countries are paid substantially less on average than corresponding executives in the US, both in absolute terms and relative to the compensation of rank and file workers. Are the former really that much better than the latter? I doubt it.
2. Executives in the US receive high compensation regardless of actual performance, and when they are let go, they inevitably receive very, very generous golden parachutes. There does not appear to be a strong correlation between pay and performance (at least from casual observation).
3. What is the executive's opportunity cost? You mean if the CEO of a corporation was being paid $15,000,000, instead of $30,000,000 he'd go do something else? What else would he do where he could possibly make this much money?
4. Corporations stack their Boards with cronies and high executives from other corporations . Boards are incestuous bodies whose members have the incentive to perpetuate the system of excessive executive pay, because they all benefit from it. Thus the very governance body that might otherwise act as a check on executive pay and possibly align pay with actual performance, has been co-opted to serve the interests of the executive class over that of other corporation stakeholders, and particularly the rank and file.
if you're asking me to (a) imagine some holy right to POSSESS what I call mine, (b) imagine my holy right to ACCUMULATE as much as I see fit, and (c) imagine any social body in black and white terms (as helping or hurting me) and by metrics that I can calculate......... then, I'll probably feel nausea before I feel this "pride" you're talking about.

Do you want me to pity PKM? I already do.

What I'm asking you to do is look at an achievement you're very proud of.

Now imagine it meaning 20% less.

I'm mainly bitching about obamacare. My premiums have gone up from $450 to close to $800. If I was making what I make and my company didnt offer insurance I would get help from the govt and would be paying around $120. Or if I didnt have a job I'd be paying $50 or so. But because my company offers insurance I get no help and am paying A LOT more than I did before obamacare. I have yet to meet someone who is middle class that hasn't been screwed by obamacare.
I'm mainly bitching about obamacare. My premiums have gone up from $450 to close to $800. If I was making what I make and my company didnt offer insurance I would get help from the govt and would be paying around $120. Or if I didnt have a job I'd be paying $50 or so. But because my company offers insurance I get no help and am paying A LOT more than I did before obamacare. I have yet to meet someone who is middle class that hasn't been screwed by obamacare.

Well, you know, other than those who can't be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition anymore, or those affected by lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

If y'all move towards an increasingly state-run health care system, you'll find a lot more in the middle class pretty amped with it. I happen to be one of them. Only ppl who hate it are rich people who are upset that their deep pockets can't make them get an MRI or operation quicker.
As a general observation, executive salaries in the US are outrageous. Executives justify these exorbitant salaries arguing that they are necessary to attract top executive talent. I call BS. Consider the following:

1. Executives in other other developed countries are paid substantially less on average than corresponding executives in the US, both in absolute terms and relative to the compensation of rank and file workers. Are the former really that much better than the latter? I doubt it.
2. Executives in the US receive high compensation regardless of actual performance, and when they are let go, they inevitably receive very, very generous golden parachutes. There does not appear to be a strong correlation between pay and performance (at least from casual observation).
3. What is the executive's opportunity cost? You mean if the CEO of a corporation was being paid $15,000,000, instead of $30,000,000 he'd go do something else? What else would he do where he could possibly make this much money?
4. Corporations stack their Boards with cronies and high executives from other corporations . Boards are incestuous bodies whose members have the incentive to perpetuate the system of excessive executive pay, because they all benefit from it. Thus the very governance body that might otherwise act as a check on executive pay and possibly align pay with actual performance, has been co-opted to serve the interests of the executive class over that of other corporation stakeholders, and particularly the rank and file.

Once upon a time in my younger years I asked why should they be so exorbitantly high. I was rebuffed with "They make 50x what others do because it takes 50 others to do that job". At the time... I accepted it.

What 10 years of existence in the workforce has taught me is that I should have asked "Does that mean that one person can do the job of 50 others?"

They should be paid more if they're preforming well. If they're providing real leadership and direction, they should make more. 50x more though?
Well, you know, other than those who can't be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition anymore, or those affected by lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

If y'all move towards an increasingly state-run health care system, you'll find a lot more in the middle class pretty amped with it. I happen to be one of them. Only ppl who hate it are rich people who are upset that their deep pockets can't make them get an MRI or operation quicker.

I am all for that. It just sucks when you are trying to keep your family fed and housed and barely doing it and your bills keep going up to cover someone elses asses. I appreciate the idea of obamacare as the system was already broken, its just become a different kind of broken imo.
Don't be a dick. He's got a right to a voice too. And he's got a helluva lot to be proud of.

Wouldn't you be pissy if you saw it as someone taking a large piece of your pride out from under you?

LOL, NAOS is just kind of pissy in general.
I am all for that. It just sucks when you are trying to keep your family fed and housed and barely doing it and your bills keep going up to cover someone elses asses. I appreciate the idea of obamacare as the system was already broken, its just become a different kind of broken imo.

it needs further revision, 100%, but the direction it needs revision in is probably the direction that is least-likely to occur. Industry currently serves to benefit most from America's current adaption of health-care, and their placement in government lobby groups pretty much stymies any movement for change. Y'all are ****ed, in other words.
Once upon a time in my younger years I asked why should they be so exorbitantly high. I was rebuffed with "They make 50x what others do because it takes 50 others to do that job". At the time... I accepted it.

What 10 years of existence in the workforce has taught me is that I should have asked "Does that mean that one person can do the job of 50 others?"

They should be paid more if they're preforming well. If they're providing real leadership and direction, they should make more. 50x more though?

A strawman. They get paid more because that's what the people paying them think they're worth.

And hi everybody!
Why would the employer fire employees only to have to train new ones? Makes no sense.

I didn't say he'd fire anybody. What I'm talking about is when future jobs open up. The lower skilled workers won't be able to compete.