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Chris Hardwick

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I think she told her own version of the truth. And Hardwick told his. Most of us can probably draw parallels in our own lives when we were in the last gasp of a relationship that became toxic.
There are always 3 sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth.
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don't have many thoughts on hardwick either way except for of course all these type of things are very complicated and nobody is necessarily lying. That being said, when HARDick said to a doctor in front of his ex's mom after she almost died and had a major surgery or something, "When can I have sex with her again?" I was like damn, he doesn't sound like a good person but don't anyone ever say this dude isn't real.
Nope, just wrong. Wrong =/= lying, unless you KNOW you are wrong and say it anyway. Lying requires intent.
that might be the legal definition.

but telling anything but the truth is a lie.

also i wish the fbi took your definition! but when it comes to pugery they DONT