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CJ and his defense


Well-Known Member
CJ says, and I have to agree, his problem area right now is his defense. I think his offense will come once he gets comfortable on defense. Sloan's comment here is perfect; move your body FIRST, then use your hands. No idea how they practice this.
An aside; the TV announcers for the Phoenix game said Steve Nash had worked with a trainer to greatly improve his balance and longevity; the focus of his workouts were the Abs. The same principle can be used to improve any activity requiring mobility. I've done Pilates myself; rule #1 is "Always move from the Core", which is mainly Abs and hips. It's very much a focus thing; move from the pelvis and everything else will follow:cool:.
Always had a bad back; now at 64 my back is better than at any other time I can remember...