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CJ's future

...well, we've got him on the cheap again next year...but there won't be a next year....which means whenever the NBA does return...ALL these boys will be playing for more reasonable money!
LOL @ that picture - - Aaron Gray's head look like it's been displaced while Marcus Thornton looks like he's lost his head completely!

it won't let me just copy the picture, otherwise that might make a good "Caption This" topic!
If the creator of Doeism would ever find it in his vast potential of basketball skills to actually play consistently for more than 2 games than I'd say yes let's sign him to a 5 year extension. If not, well, we can always find another chucker, maybe Mo Almond will be available...
Of course he wants to stay - what other team is going to let him take 10 shots a game?

Jazz should keep him too - warts and all price tag is still very cheap.
LOL @ that picture - - Aaron Gray's head look like it's been displaced while Marcus Thornton looks like he's lost his head completely!

it won't let me just copy the picture, otherwise that might make a good "Caption This" topic!
Here you go and it is pretty funny. Although Kicky likely has already photo shopped his head in place and is taped to the following places head board, ceiling, bathroom and I suspect the vanity mirror in his car.

I would be shocked if the jazz don't pick up CJ contract. At 3.7 he's probably underpaid this year for the market. I hope they sign him to an extension. He wants to be here and he's playing better than ever. That said I would not pay him much more than he's currently making. 3-5M per season seems about right for him.
Let him go please! He's a clown with no basketball intelligence. I can see why he wants to stay in Utah. Who will want him?
Let him go please! He's a clown with no basketball intelligence. I can see why he wants to stay in Utah. Who will want him?

Right now at his salary, I'd say about half the league or more. He's a good role player with a very reasonable contract while still being very young.
Right now at his salary, I'd say about half the league or more. He's a good role player with a very reasonable contract while still being very young.

He is what he is. Much better role players at that price that have some potential and savvy. Just a waste of time. Loose him.