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Cleveland has contacted Jazz about S&T for Boozer

Cats and dogs, living together.

Wow, the Cavs have a lot of crap on their roster. If the Jazz do a S&T, another team has to be involved because there is very little that looks enticing, outside of JJ Hickson.
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Jazz have no use for.......
Antwan Jamison
Mo Williams
Daniel Gibson
Jamario Moon
Sebastion Telfair
Jawad Williams
Leon Powe
Delonte West

Only players Jazz would consider........
Anderson Varejao (Most Jazz fans probably like but I don't like him. He hustles but does not protect the basket and his contract sucks)
Anthony Parker (Good role player for us but I prefer Matthews. He is old also)
JJ Hickson (Like him a lot but he would only back up Millsap. Not sure its worth to take on Varejao's contract for a back up PF)

Only way I see this happening is a 3 team trade. And that is very unlikely. Cavs have a horrible roster.

Maybe the Jazz could do a sign and trade for Shaq. But the problem is Cavs need cap space. And I don't think Boozer would sign with the Cavs when he could sign with the Bulls.
Cats and dogs, living together.

Wow, the Cavs have a lot of crap on their roster. If the Jazz do a S&T, another team has to be involved because there is very little that looks enticing, outside of JJ Hickson.

Not true - Varejao would be a nice get for the Jazz - his playmaking ability on the defensive side of the ball in particular. The issue would be, I'm not sure the Cavs would part with both Hickson AND Varejao. Unless they parted with Jamison in a separate deal and brought in someone who could replace JJ or AV.

EDIT: But yeah, Varejao's contract sucks. In terms of his ability, despite the flaws mentioned above, he'd be a major defensive upgrade over Okur and Boozer.
Cavs have nothing. The Jazz actually have the upper hand in negotiations because it's the Cavs who want to try and woo Lebron with a Boozer signing. I'd ask for Vareajo, Hickson, or Jamison in return.
Cats and dogs, living together.

Wow, the Cavs have a lot of crap on their roster. If the Jazz do a S&T, another team has to be involved because there is very little that looks enticing, outside of JJ Hickson.
That was my thought too. Nothing there. Hickson may be a nice young piece, but his $1.5 million isn't going to match up with Boozer unless he brings a lot of garbage with him. You'd almost have to take on either Jamison, Mo Williams or Varejao, but who wants them?
I can't see it. I can't see Booze agreeing to it (even with Lebron), and I can't see a package of players the Jazz would do it for unless Cleveland was willing to throw in Hickson and Verajao, which I can't see Cleveland doing. I CAN see Lebron picking Chicago, New Jersey, or even New York and then wanting to add Boozer. But if Lebron signs back in Cleveland, Booze is going to pick from his options and probably benefit from a little bidding war.
That was my thought too. Nothing there. Hickson may be a nice young piece, but his $1.5 million isn't going to match up with Boozer unless he brings a lot of garbage with him. You'd almost have to take on either Jamison, Mo Williams or Varejao, but who wants them?

Jamison, Williams, sure. But Verajao? A guy who just made the Defensive 2nd Team? His contract might be a little steep in years 3 and 4, but I'd happily take that risk.
The Jazz would likely ask for Delonte West. His contract is not guaranteed for next year, either in whole or part. They could cut him and not pay much tax.
Varejao, West and Hickson could get Boozer a salary up to $16.58M. If West isn't fully guaranteed, that sounds like an automatic.

Varejao is OK and his salary isn't too high. It's just number of years, and the fact that he's not a C, so again you're stuck with 2 PFs.
The Jazz would likely ask for Delonte West. His contract is not guaranteed for next year, either in whole or part. They could cut him and not pay much tax.

Yeah, but West is only the deal completer. The Jazz have to take back upwards of 10 million in salary. So they pick the 2 guys they want, then add West to make the deal work and cut him. Alternatively, the Jazz could try to expand the trade, but then everything gets crazy.
Varejao, West and Hickson could get Boozer a salary up to $16.58M. If West isn't fully guaranteed, that sounds like an automatic.

Varejao is OK and his salary isn't too high. It's just number of years, and the fact that he's not a C, so again you're stuck with 2 PFs.

Verajao played a lot of center last year. He can definitely check 5's.
The thought of watching Verajao flop 30-500 times a game for 82 games almost makes me cry.
West don't hafta worry bout gittin cut. He has a nice career ahead of him, guaranteed, travellin with the Carnies, ya know?