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Cooley Mic'ed up


Well-Known Member

I thought this was a cool insight that we don't usually get to see. Seems like a funny guy.

I thought this was a cool insight that we don't usually get to see. Seems like a funny guy.

he's might be the only guy on the SL team with any semblance of a personality.
I liked the part where he asked the guy "Did you go to school at Alabama?" When the guy responded yes Cooley then said "We can't be friends. I went to Notre Dame"
Would the Jazz have Mic'd him up if they did not see him as part of the team moving forward? They usually promote players who are keepers. Might be a good sign for him. Or not.
Would the Jazz have Mic'd him up if they did not see him as part of the team moving forward? They usually promote players who are keepers. Might be a good sign for him. Or not.

I think this is a good thing along with him getting the Big Dog Seal of Approval.
He sounds like a really cool kinda guy that you would want to eat a barbaque with when the going gets rought then it help me rhonda help help me rhonda

- Craig