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Corbin disrespect Kanter

It seems to me that if we want to at least somewhat base mins on performance and keep players accountable, everyone here should be praising Corbin.

Dutch, if his idea is to make Kanter accountable for poor play then why does Lucas III, Jefferson ever see the court? Just answer me that, and if it makes sense then.....so be it. Nothing against Corbin as a person but as head basketball coach in the NBA he has as much to prove as any of our youth. Unfortunately his PERFORMANCE has been as poor as Lucas.
Dutch, if his idea is to make Kanter accountable for poor play then why does Lucas III, Jefferson ever see the court? Just answer me that, and if it makes sense then.....so be it. Nothing against Corbin as a person but as head basketball coach in the NBA he has as much to prove as any of our youth. Unfortunately his PERFORMANCE has been as poor as Lucas.

Simply because we aren't a good enough to team to have other options.

Though specifically JL III hasn't played anything but garabage minutes for a while.

Jefferson isn't doing much on the floor positive or negative.
Jefferson isn't doing much on the floor positive or negative.
Other than the constant ball watching... I still like Alec and Kanter off the bench, but at this point the Jazz might be better off moving RJ there as well, and starting Favors-Evans-Marvin-Gordo-Trey.
Kanter had what...2 rebounds in 20 minutes?

That's pathetic. Embarrassing. I don't care how bad our team is, Kanter could at least give some effort and show that he cares. This is supposed to be a guy who was good at rebounding, but somehow he randomly forgot how to boxout? ********. He isn't giving any effort out there, and it's more than obvious.
Holy ****. I can't believe some of these comments.

Kanter has been playing like ****, regardless of what his "stats" say. It's a question of mentality and attitude. His tunnel vision seems to have progressed. His defense gets worse by the minute. He doesn't move correctly, he doesn't box out, he turns the ball over too much, and most importantly, he plays like he doesn't care.

Corbin penalizing him by limiting his minutes is absolutely the right thing to do. It is utterly unimportant if Lucas or Biedrins get 30 minutes while playing like ****, because these two are as good as gone regardless of what they do, and the team is tanking. Why penalize some player who adds no value to the team, and who is not part of the team's future? Kanter is an important part of the Jazz' future, and he should be coached harshly.

I'm very happy that Corbin grew the balls to be more tough with his players. I've liked how he handled minutes v production all season.
Kanter isn't used correctly! He is a PF that can shoot and seldom can create his own shot in the low post!

He is slow on defense but if he puts effort he can play solid physical defense!

Jazz needs a consistent scorer...now everyone is focused on his poor defense!

I didn't notice offensive schemes to exploit his characteristic!

Why he's not allowed to shoot 3s? We are implicitly tanking, why he can't afford to make mistakes without being benched immediately?

Look at Milsap...he rarely shot 3s with the Jazz...now with the Hawks he is shooting 15-37 at 40% for 3s!

I saw Olynyk playing with the Celtics...why he is allowed to try to shoot 3s already in his first Nba games? I'm not sure he is a better shooter than Kanter!

Kanter haters are Corbin homers for sure! Ty won't be the Jazz coach next year...so he does not care about the youth development.
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Kanter isn't used correctly! He is a PF that can shoot and seldom can create his own shot in the low post!

He is slow on defense but if he puts effort he can play solid physical defense!

I didn't notice offensive schemes to exploit his characteristic!

Why he's not allowed to shoot 3s? We are implicitly tanking, why he can't afford to make mistakes without being benched immediately?

Look at Milsap...he rarely shot 3s with the Jazz...now with the Hawks he is shooting 15-37 at 40% for 3s!

I saw Olynyk playing with the Celtics...why he is allowed to try to shoot 3s already in his first Nba games? I'm not sure he is a better shooter than Kanter!

Kanter haters are Corbin homers for sure! Ty won't be the Jazz coach next year...so he does not care about the youth development.

In the game against Indiana, Kanter and Burke ran the pick and roll many times, giving Kanter at least 4 good looks (which he made). How is that not taking advantage of his shooting touch? Are you suggesting he should just park himself behind the three point line and jack up one shot after another? Are we looking to develop the equivalent of Kevin Love's disabled younger brother?
Kanter isn't used correctly! He is a PF that can shoot and seldom can create his own shot in the low post!

He is slow on defense but if he puts effort he can play solid physical defense!

I didn't notice offensive schemes to exploit his characteristic!

Why he's not allowed to shoot 3s? We are implicitly tanking, why he can't afford to make mistakes without being benched immediately?

Look at Milsap...he rarely shot 3s with the Jazz...now with the Hawks he is shooting 15-37 at 40% for 3s!

I saw Olynyk playing with the Celtics...why he is allowed to try to shoot 3s already in his first Nba games? I'm not sure he is a better shooter than Kanter!

Kanter haters are Corbin homers for sure! Ty won't be the Jazz coach next year...so he does not care about the youth development.

Olynk is more mobile than Kanter, and a better shooter from deep.

Kanter is very slow (slower than Memo), and yeah, if he puts forth effort he can play solid defense, BUT HE'S NOT PUTTING OUT THE EFFORT.

I will never agree with playing somebody who isn't putting forth effort. Ever. You want him to shoot 3's? Fine. I don't care. I just want him to freaking box out, put his body on somebody and get a damn rebound and maybe play some damn defense once in a while. Then he can shoot his 3's.

His defense has really been pathetic. Memo was better at defense than him. That's embarrassing.
In the game against Indiana, Kanter and Burke ran the pick and roll many times, giving Kanter at least 4 good looks (which he made). How is that not taking advantage of his shooting touch? Are you suggesting he should just park himself behind the three point line and jack up one shot after another? Are we looking to develop the equivalent of Kevin Love's disabled younger brother?

What happens if he begins to knock down 3s regularly? Our tank would be in danger? Corbin would be forced to play him more?
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In the game against Indiana, Kanter and Burke ran the pick and roll many times, giving Kanter at least 4 good looks (which he made). How is that not taking advantage of his shooting touch? Are you suggesting he should just park himself behind the three point line and jack up one shot after another? Are we looking to develop the equivalent of Kevin Love's disabled younger brother?

No, but when they run a play where Kanter is to clear out of the way and it falls apart and they pass to a wide open Kanter beyond the arc he need to shoot rather than look to pass to a player that is well guarded. He must have been told not to shoot because he looks like a deer caught in headlights in that situation.
I just want him to freaking box out, put his body on somebody and get a damn rebound and maybe play some damn defense once in a while. Then he can shoot his 3's.

His defense has really been pathetic. Memo was better at defense than him. That's embarrassing.

Ok true, but maybe his shoulder isn't yet completely healed.
No, but when they run a play where Kanter is to clear out of the way and it falls apart and they pass to a wide open Kanter beyond the arc he need to shoot rather than look to pass to a player that is well guarded. He must have been told not to shoot because he looks like a deer caught in headlights in that situation.

Kanter has been getting most of his points from the mid-range. So what if he's been told not to shoot the three for the time being? Aside from his improved shot, he's either regressed or stayed the same in all other areas (compared to last season). Part of that may be the result of being out for a long time. But he's also been playing with zero intensity. We know he can rebound. We know he can be a physical defensive presence. We know he can bang against the toughest big men in the post. He needs to regain those parts of his game, before we talk about trivial distractions like whether he's allowed to shoot threes.
Ehh Kanter sucks right now.
He just doesn't have good ball knowledge.
He also seems to have confidence issues. It always seems like he does worse after getting yelled by someone on a missed rotation, or rebound, etc.
I don't know what is wrong with him to change his attitude, but he is mentally too young to overcome some tough situations and heavy responsibilities on his own. If he had a mentor alongside him still, I think he would be different. When he talks, either in English or Turkish, he just sounds so ... untaught.
I remember seeing Kanter run the floor hard on the fast breaks earlier this season, but now he does look like he is wearing cement shoes. I think it has to be lack of effort....................you don't run with your shoulder. The shoulder should be a lot stronger after a quarter of the season has past and he has had no set backs with the shoulder, so something is sure wrong. Young players hating on Corbin could be the problem...........................just saying.
EK just does not care!
why should he?

He was never acknowledged when he was playing well. Now all of a sudden, Corbin started to evaluate players' performance?
I call that BS!
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