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Corruption of the media getting worse and worse

so peoaple are stupid? you dont trust them?

then why should there vote influence my live?
It has nothing to do with stupidity or trust. It has to do with people believing what they first hear and either dismissing or ignoring the follow up explanations.

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It has nothing to do with stupidity or trust. It has to do with people believing what they first hear and either dismissing or ignoring the follow up explanations.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using JazzFanz mobile app

like the islamist his hoax:


this damages delta, might bring real world damage to delta and its "innocent" employees.

cnn is CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because people believe the original article and not the disclaimer (if they even bother to read it).

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it is easy to know fake from real news!

the litmus test is to look if they want to control you, or INFORM you!
cnn and the mainstream media want to control what you hear! they screem fake news to control you.

if they scream racism or if they do real investigative journalism and come up with arguments and counter arguments!

CNN claims some YouTube star got kicked of delta for speaking Arabic. then i go hmm interesting. i walk to the nearest internet connected device go to youtube type in the youtube stars name watch some of his videos. and i immediately release he is a con artist a prankster. and he is trying to instigate people with his Arabic/Muslim/middle eastern heritage. he goes out and tries to instigate things.
he went on a frigging plane and started counting down in arabic real LOUD! yes he has freedom of speech. but if someone on my plane starts counting down in arabic, and yes i know the numbers from 1 to 10 in arabic. i would walk up to them, size em up and who knows what might happen next!

tl;dr. cnn lied, with 2 minutes of research saw truth!
It has nothing to do with stupidity or trust. It has to do with people believing what they first hear and either dismissing or ignoring the follow up explanations.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using JazzFanz mobile app

This explains the Trump phenomenon perfectly. They said he says so many outrageous things an then you look in to what he actually said an it was exactly 100% true.

It also explains the black life's matter commotion.
it is easy to know fake from real news!

the litmus test is to look if they want to control you, or INFORM you!
cnn and the mainstream media want to control what you hear! they screem fake news to control you.

if they scream racism or if they do real investigative journalism and come up with arguments and counter arguments!

CNN claims some YouTube star got kicked of delta for speaking Arabic. then i go hmm interesting. i walk to the nearest internet connected device go to youtube type in the youtube stars name watch some of his videos. and i immediately release he is a con artist a prankster. and he is trying to instigate people with his Arabic/Muslim/middle eastern heritage. he goes out and tries to instigate things.
he went on a frigging plane and started counting down in arabic real LOUD! yes he has freedom of speech. but if someone on my plane starts counting down in arabic, and yes i know the numbers from 1 to 10 in arabic. i would walk up to them, size em up and who knows what might happen next!

tl;dr. cnn lied, with 2 minutes of research saw truth!

They will not care you are racist an Hillary never broke a law that would put you in prison.
ooh sorry i rebel against the "ministry of truth and propaganda"
Good ole dutchy, he is rebelling against facts. This has nothing to do with propoganda or opinions. It has to do with you clearly don't understand this subject. I appreciate your post though, I didn't understand how people don't understand what fake news is and you provided some insight into how some people can misunderstand a very basic concept.
Good ole dutchy, he is rebelling against facts. This has nothing to do with propoganda or opinions. It has to do with you clearly don't understand this subject. I appreciate your post though, I didn't understand how people don't understand what fake news is and you provided some insight into how some people can misunderstand a very basic concept.

Just stop.

You have your head buried completely in the sand. If you would take off your biased blue colored CNN glasses you would see the truth.

We know that there is fake news that reports completely made up stuff. Then there is the news that reports half truths and propaganda. There really isnt much of a difference between the two. Both are garbage journalism, and dont report the truth. You are being controlled and manipulated by the leftist main stream media right now, and you dont even realize it. Then you laughably try and preach to others about what you think they don't know.

For the life of me, I cant understand why you cant see it. How does one get so controled, manipulated, and hypnotized. There is a reason why so many people are rejecting the media that you claim to be real news. You really think that all those people are coming to the same conclusion for no good reason?

Fake news isnt good, and is problematic, but its a symptom of a larger problem. People are turning to alternative news because they know they cant trust the traditional main stream any more, and for good reason. And so we have jackasses out there taking advantage of that problem.

It wont kill you to look at it from a different perspective.
Just stop.

You have your head buried completely in the sand. If you would take off your biased blue colored CNN glasses you would see the truth.

We know that there is fake news that reports completely made up stuff. Then there is the news that reports half truths and propaganda. There really isnt much of a difference between the two. Both are garbage journalism, and dont report the truth. You are being controlled and manipulated by the leftist main stream media right now, and you dont even realize it. Then you laughably try and preach to others about what you think they don't know.

For the life of me, I cant understand why you cant see it. How does one get so controled, manipulated, and hypnotized. There is a reason why so many people are rejecting the media that you claim to be real news. You really think that all those people are coming to the same conclusion for no good reason?

Fake news isnt good, and is problematic, but its a symptom of a larger problem. People are turning to alternative news because they know they cant trust the traditional main stream any more, and for good reason. And so we have jackasses out there taking advantage of that problem.

It wont kill you to look at it from a different perspective.
I read lots of different news from many different sources. What are these good alternative news sources that you read?

There are plenty of problems with many news sources. We can discuss those specifically if you like. When make large sweeping statements about mass media it makes me realize you are just repeating propoganda.


if you dont think the title is DISHONEST or FISHY, you need to swallow a RED PILL!
Just stop.

You have your head buried completely in the sand. If you would take off your biased blue colored CNN glasses you would see the truth.

We know that there is fake news that reports completely made up stuff. Then there is the news that reports half truths and propaganda. There really isnt much of a difference between the two. Both are garbage journalism, and dont report the truth. You are being controlled and manipulated by the leftist main stream media right now, and you dont even realize it. Then you laughably try and preach to others about what you think they don't know.

For the life of me, I cant understand why you cant see it. How does one get so controled, manipulated, and hypnotized. There is a reason why so many people are rejecting the media that you claim to be real news. You really think that all those people are coming to the same conclusion for no good reason?

Fake news isnt good, and is problematic, but its a symptom of a larger problem. People are turning to alternative news because they know they cant trust the traditional main stream any more, and for good reason. And so we have jackasses out there taking advantage of that problem.

It wont kill you to look at it from a different perspective.

You stop. What is the point of arguing with a Hillary supporter who can not come to reason with the fact tha DONALD TRUMP was at HILLARY AN BILL'S wedding?


[MENTION=181]Ron Mexico[/MENTION] does not belief this is all a power game by the elite.
I read lots of different news from many different sources. What are these good alternative news sources that you read?

There are plenty of problems with many news sources. We can discuss those specifically if you like. When make large sweeping statements about mass media it makes me realize you are just repeating propoganda.

Im not saying you dont read different news sources. I do as well. I thinks its important to get both perspectives. Thats how I have come to the conclusion that the left has been going overboard with their propaganda.

The argument is whether or not its fake news or not. I say it completely is. The left is in complete spin mode, cover up mode, smear mode, etc.. The right really isnt having to do much of any of that right now, because for the most part they are on the side of truth. A few years ago when Bush was in office, it was the complete opposite. The Iraq war for example. It was like Fox news was working directly for the Bush administration. It was a complete cover up for that illegal and unjustifed war. Which we are still suffering from in many ways. Now its the left's turn to go completely in the tank for Hillary and Obama, and cover up all their corruption. I dont know why its like this, but its garbage journalism. I refuse to let some stupid news source tell me how I should think. Just give me the news unscrubbed, and be consistent in your reporting.

So no. I dont blindly truat the right or Fox news right now, but it seems they are reporting mostly truths. Im sure that will chamge if Trump turns out to be corrupt, and then they have to start doing the coverups. I fully expect that to happen. Except, Im holding out hope that Trump turns out to be a good guy who just happened to say some things that were taken the wrong way. We will see. But Im not going to let the left tell the story before its happened, or paint pictures that arent accurate, and whip me into a frenzy like they have with half the country.

If your news has been super scrubbed to fit your ideology, or to smear the other side, that is fake news. I want all the facts, all the eyewitness accounts, every angle, or else its fake news.
So no. I dont blindly truat the right or Fox news right now, but it seems they are reporting mostly truths.

Based on what you write it make sense that fox news is your main source. Fox news isn't right leaning like some of the news organizations that are left leaning. They have no interest in telling truthful news they have an objective and everything is filtered through that. There isn't a major news organization in their level to compare them to. I don't like CNN personally so I don't watch it, but their journalistic integrity is much better than fox news. Even if they are biased they are at least attempting to tell the news without filtering it.

What are your other good news sources and alternative news sources you read? So far you have just said you think fox news is the best option.

Edit: Maybe now that I think about it The Daily Show is as close of a comparison as I can think of for Fox news, minus the humor of course.
I dont watch CNN because they have too much attention style articles and too many fluff pieces. It feels like a waste of time. I personally dont really like watching the news either I mostly read it and have no reason to go to CNN website when there are far better news organizations out there.
Based on what you write it make sense that fox news is your main source. Fox news isn't right leaning like some of the news organizations that are left leaning. They have no interest in telling truthful news they have an objective and everything is filtered through that. There isn't a major news organization in their level to compare them to. I don't like CNN personally so I don't watch it, but their journalistic integrity is much better than fox news. Even if they are biased they are at least attempting to tell the news without filtering it.

What are your other good news sources and alternative news sources you read? So far you have just said you think fox news is the best option.

Edit: Maybe now that I think about it The Daily Show is as close of a comparison as I can think of for Fox news, minus the humor of course.
I dont watch CNN because they have too much attention style articles and too many fluff pieces. It feels like a waste of time. I personally dont really like watching the news either I mostly read it and have no reason to go to CNN website when there are far better news organizations out there.

Where and when did I say Fox news is my main source of news? And how did you completely miss where I explained I know they biased and dont report fairnees. All said is right now they dont have any covering up to do. So they can just simply point out some truths because its easy to do so.

You seem to completely miss the point of everything I said and chose to see what I wrote how you wanted.

Are we just going to talk in circles, or can you take me for word for once?

Liars can tell truths sometimes too. Thats all Im saying Fox news is doing right now. Again, I am fully aware of, and expect more lies to come out their mouths when the time is right.
Where and when did I say Fox news is my main source of news? And how did you completely miss where I explained I know they biased and dont report fairnees. All said is right now they dont have any covering up to do. So they can just simply point out some truths because its easy to do so.

You seem to completely miss the point of everything I said and chose to see what I wrote how you wanted.

Are we just going to talk in circles, or can you take me for word for once?

Liars can tell truths sometimes too. Thats all Im saying Fox news is doing right now. Again, I am fully aware of, and expect more lies to come out their mouths when the time is right.
So for the third time. What are these good alternative news sources you read/watch? What are the good news sources you like?

So far the only thing you have said is Fox news.
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So for the third time. What are these good alternative news sources you read/watch? What are the good news sources you like?

So you retract your statement that you think I only read and watch things like Fox news and believe everything they say? Shouldnt we resolve issues like that before we bounce to the next part? It would be pretty important imo to clarify something like that.

My daily search for news starts with MSN. Which is left leaning, but gathers news stories from different places. Mainly leftist sites. Which ia why they are left leaning. But it kinda has to be that way because most news sources are left leaning. I do that everyday. I occasionally look up and see what the Drudge Report is saying. Although I feel they are even more over the top with the propaganda than MSN. But I want to check out that angle as well. Its quite funny to see the stark contrast between the two.

I dont visit CNN or Fox all that much as far as reading, but watch on Youtube what they are saying.

I use Youtube to watch what all the different opinions are saying. My two favorite sources as of now, are the Jimmy Dore show, and Matt Christiansen. Both are completely idependent and arent really news, but break down the different news. Jimmy Dore is heavy left leaning and is a comedian. But is a straight shooter and despises Hillary Clinton and the neoliberals. So I have a lot of repsect for that. I highly recommend. Give him a try. Matt Christiansen is more center-right, but gives a fair point of view on things imo, and is entertaining as well. Those are just a couple of my favorites that I listen to a lot of.
Ill click on any of the videos that look interesting and give it a try, I try to mix it up as much as possible.

I dont go to alternative news sources per say. Its more like seeking out independent thought in hopes to find reasonable thinking. My type of work allows me to listen to podcasts and videos throughout the day. I do this everyday. Maybe thats why I think the way I do, and others dont see it the same way because they dont experience the hours of listening I do. When you take in that amount of info from all the different sources, it becomes quite clear what is going on with main stream media outlets. People who just occasionally tune into some news dont get the bigger picture imo.
Overall thanks for answering my question. It sounds like you read or listen to a fair amount of stuff. Good for you for trying to learn and be informed. I think that is a great attribute.

So you retract your statement that you think I only read and watch things like Fox news and believe everything they say? Shouldnt we resolve issues like that before we bounce to the next part? It would be pretty important imo to clarify something like that.

No I dont retract my statement. When I ask you multiple times what news source you read and think is good and the only answer you give me is
I dont blindly truat the right or Fox news right now, but it seems they are reporting mostly truths.
It is a safe assumption that you watch Fox news and think they are mostly reporting truth and that might be your main source when you claim nothing else.

The problem with Fox News isnt that they dont "tell the truth" in their news it is that they blend news stories with blatant agenda filled opinions. This is very different from reporting news and letting your bias show through.

Personally instead of reading MSN, CNN, Fox News and the Drudge Report that you feel are bad news sources and biased I would look for a good news source since there are plenty of those. But I guess is you prefer to read bias and/or news with an agenda and try to balance them that is your prerogative. I prefer just to read good quality news and not get those peoples opinions on the news.

My two favorite sources as of now, are the Jimmy Dore show, and Matt Christiansen

I am familiar with Dore. I have not heard of Matt Christiansen. Dore is not a news source he is a funny guy that give his opinions on topics. From looking at Matt he is also not reporting news he is an opinion show. I dont like to listen and get my information from opinion shows. I do watch some of them from time to time for entertainment but not for information. I used to watch the Daily Show but have stopped because John Stewart left. I dont watch that for news, I watch that to be entertained.

My type of work allows me to listen to podcasts and videos throughout the day. I do this everyday. Maybe thats why I think the way I do, and others dont see it the same way because they dont experience the hours of listening I do. When you take in that amount of info from all the different sources, it becomes quite clear what is going on with main stream media outlets. People who just occasionally tune into some news dont get the bigger picture imo.

Maybe or maybe you are listening to podcasts that are not actual news but opinions and opinions are very biased by nature. There are plenty of good places to get the news and plenty of high quality news people who strive very hard to give you the news without bias and provide actual information. NyTimes for example has many good writers and is probably the best papers in the country. They are often blamed for being liberal because of their opinion pieces, which are not their news. I do not read their opinion pieces because they are over the top liberals that I do not agree with and frankly I dont care about their opinions on subjects. I would rather get information and form my own opinion.

Its more like seeking out independent thought in hopes to find reasonable thinking.
That matches what you think? Or that you agree with?