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Couple killed in the Jordan River.


My Member's Premium

Normally, I wouldn't post this, but I happened to be there at the river when it happened. I was with my girls and was throwing a ball into the river for my dog to go get when an empty kayak went by, along with two paddles and a bunch of floating debris. (sack lunch, drink bottles, etc.) It was a little eerie and I started to freak out when another kayak went floating by, empty. I called 911 and told them what had happened and ran upstream to find one of the survivors doing chest compressions on one of the people who went in. A few minutes later, the first officer/fire crew showed up and took over. It took another 5 minutes before they were able to 'hook' the lady, who was stuck in the eddy. Both people died.

I only bring this up here because it was a very emotional moment for me. First of all, I could've jumped into the water and grabbed the first kayak as it went by face-down, but at the time, I just figured some idiot forgot to tie his boat up and it went down stream. I can't stop thinking about how I would have felt if someone had been in that boat and it went on down stream. Horrible feeling. Secondly, it reminded me of how precious life is, and how much I take it for granted. I've never been so grateful for my family, wife, and kids. We are very lucky indeed.

Anyhow, this is my sap story for the day. Treat every day as if it's your last, and love like you might not have a chance to do it tomorrow -- you just never know. Also, forgive an ignorant fool for being an *** hole on this site over the years, I really don't mean any harm. I love you all.


Probably your first worthwhile post. Sad story, and I think all of us are guilty of taking many things in our lives for granted.
Dave, sucks that you had to experience that...Hug your loved ones tonight.
i love you too trout, even when I don't

seriously, though, I can imagine that experience would rattle your nerves quite a bit. Sad story, do the authorities have any idea what happened? Is it a treacherous part of the river or something?
Is it just me or has there been an enormous amount of tragedies in the past year. It is never fun to be a witness to these types of thins I was a neighbor to one of the Mark Hoffman Victims and was at the scene less than an hour after the fact and it is hard to get the thought of a life leaving out of your mind. Sorry Trout I don't envy your day
I expected a... "Looked at my kingdom and I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-aire." but it never came.

My regards go out to trout.

That's rough. Very sad for the family of those who died.

Moe, the Jordan River would probably be classified as a canal or ditch in most of the country. Pretty slow, about 12-20' across in most places and no more than 3-4' deep on average. Soundls like this portion went over a man-made sectioon that created a waterfall and undertoe. Pretty easy to take the Jordan River a little too lightly.
Thanks for sharing. I know it's easy to say, but don't let it bother you. There was nothing you could have done to help from what you knew was going on. I would suggest look at the things you can learn from this traumatizing experience, but it seems you have.

That's rough. Very sad for the family of those who died.

Moe, the Jordan River would probably be classified as a canal or ditch in most of the country. Pretty slow, about 12-20' across in most places and no more than 3-4' deep on average. Soundls like this portion went over a man-made sectioon that created a waterfall and undertoe. Pretty easy to take the Jordan River a little too lightly.

thanks for the explanation, it doesn't sound like anything particularly dangerous, but who knows what can happen? The thread title sort of confused me, by saying "couple killed" rather than "couple drowned" (or something like that) it sounds as though foul play might have been involved.
Its rough that you had to go through that and I know this story should be focused on the incident and the victims but if your feeling any kind of guilt or anything like that just remember first you had your girls with you so you had to keep them in mind but also from speaking from personal experience (kinda like Archie alluded to) you can't change your past actions but just go over things in your head and honestly evaluate if and what you could've or should've done differently. All anybody can do is learn from our past experiences.
I Hope your focusing on the last part of your post and applying that to appreciating your family and not focusing the emotion inwards and taking it out on yourself.