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D-Will 09-10 Season Mix

Awesome. What software do you use and where do you get the footage? Do you record all the games yourself?
Awesome. What software do you use and where do you get the footage? Do you record all the games yourself?

The majority of the clips are from NBA.com, the rest are either my capture(use a dvd recorder) or others HD capture.
I did not understand the video - I don't even know what basketball is really, but rap music is horrid. I really do think it's a great musical stench. I find it very offensive, artless and styleless. To me it's very reminiscent of thuggery, pop thuggery. I don't want to hear it at all.
Great Job, prodigy. I wasn't a big fan of the music, so I muted it and watched it with a song from How to Tame your Dragon and it was amazing. haha
Excellent video. Thanks a lot. I can watch these kinds of vids all day long, over and over. It just still brings a smile to my face, like the Stockton shot brings a tear to my eye.
I did not understand the video - I don't even know what basketball is really, but rap music is horrid. I really do think it's a great musical stench. I find it very offensive, artless and styleless. To me it's very reminiscent of thuggery, pop thuggery. I don't want to hear it at all.

So... why are you even on this board if you don't know what basketball is?
Great Job, prodigy. I wasn't a big fan of the music, so I muted it and watched it with a song from How to Tame your Dragon and it was amazing. haha

Was the song you used Test Drive by John Powell? Cause that does go REALLY good with it! Well part of it does.
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