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Danny Ainge main host of first congressional fundraiser for son Tanner

All that I know about Curtis is that he was involved in a commute by bike thing with other local mayors and iirc was instrumental in getting the Provo-Orem BRT pushed forward. Both of those things are good.
And Ainge doesn't seem to have a clue. His speeches and all of his op-eds remind me of Mia Love. I don't think he understands politics nor has a vision for accomplishing anything in Washington.

A few weeks ago a kid came thru our neighborhood knocking on doors, collecting signatures for "Tanner Ang, he wants to run for congress". So, I told the kid that his name is "Ainge", not "Ang". The kid says: "I don't care how you say it. All I know is he is going to pay me $5 for every signature I get."
Whoever wins the Chaffetz seat will surely vote the same way on every single matter that comes before the congress over the next two years. Curtis, Ainge, etc, what difference does it make? The winner will be quite literally the least important person in congress and will just vote whatever way the caucus leader says every time for the duration of the term.

On the other hand, this is a once-in-a-lifetime shot for Tanner Ainge: a rare open seat in one of the safest districts in the nation. Nobody votes in these primaries, so there is a good chance it will be close. If Danny Ainge loses out on Hayward, he can just sign someone else and the Celtics will be hardly worse off (or maybe somehow better). If he manages to get Hayward and his son loses a close election... that has to hurt him, right?