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Dark Mode uniforms

Do they have any image stills? Hard to really see this with the lighting.
Thrilling at first sight!
Really like it

Strongly hope it's not only the jersey promotion that make them so exciting...it would be a tremendous shame.
They are pretty good. I would have liked something TOTALLY new, but these are not bad at all. I like that they incorporated the ARCH into the belt buckle.
I can understand why they did them this way. The city jersey was a huge seller for them so to keep the design on the top makes sense. But I'd preferred them being all black after seeing some of the designs on twitter.
This is how I felt, they look fine, but to me they're just an alternate color to what we already had. I saw a snow version concept someone posted a few days ago that would've been sweet.
Not crazy about them. I would go back to the first city version or go all black. I do like having Rocye as the model
I absolutely love the creamsicle jerseys, so having these as another version of them works just fine for me.