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Dating age range.

Duck Rodgers

Well-Known Member
Some of you guys getting squeamish over the fact that White Mike's girlfriend was wearing a Dora the Explorer backpack to school a mere few months ago brings this up. This isn't a who would you sleep with range. What range would you actually date and be comfortable having a "Meet the Parents" type visit with where you showcase your choice to your parents or whatever? Just for this topic's sake, pretend to be a 27 year old single male since the average age that males get married at is 28 or 29 now. How far above/below would you cast your net?

I say 22-35 with an emphasis on the lower level of that age range.
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Some of you guys getting squeamish over the fact that White Mike's girlfriend was wearing a Dora the Explorer backpack to school a mere few months ago brings this up. This isn't a who would you sleep with range. What range would you actually date and be comfortable having a "Meet the Parents" type visit with where you showcase your choice to your parents or whatever? Just for this topic's sake, pretend to be a 27 year old single male since the average age that males get married at is 28 or 29 now. How far above/below would you cast your net?

Just date whatever dudes you get along with. Dont worry what society thinks.

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I have ideas for what I would do personally, but for you, just keep it legal. Who cares as long as you are happy. Right?

Who cares about the dora backpack thing, should Kanter's girlfriend(s) be worried that he was wearing one until just a year ago?
Legal age of consent - 99 or thereabouts. Do whatever makes you happy as long as it won't land you in jail. Or go somewhere it is legal. I always told my wife when she hits 40 I was trading her in on two 20's. Didn't work out so now I am shooting for trading her in at 50 on two 25's.
I promise it's not about me. I am around 27, not exactly 27, but the age was just chosen....because If a bunch of 50 year olds reply from the perspective of their current ages, they probably would shoot down a lot more. And college dudes are going to have a very narrow range. Just seemed like a good median #.

I have thought about just dating a different 40 + year old woman off of like Match.com just every night for like a week or something though, just to see how awkward it would be, but I haven't gone through with it yet. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've never even dated someone older than me. And if so, they were probably older by months.

The 40+ thing may be way better than you think. My wife is FAR FAR better at, well "everything" now in her 40's than she ever was in her 20's.
I've always had a hard time picturing myself dating a girl more than a couple months older than me. So my range as a 27 year old would be about 24 - 27 1/2.
The oldest woman I dated was 45, if I remember correctly, and I was 31/32. It wasn't awkward or anything and the sex is probably some of the best sex I've ever had. She was a darling of a woman, it just didn't work out. Oh, I also dated this one actress woman who was 43/44 and she was ****ing nuts. Unbelievably nuts.
The oldest woman I dated was 45, if I remember correctly, and I was 31/32. It wasn't awkward or anything and the sex is probably some of the best sex I've ever had. She was a darling of a woman, it just didn't work out. Oh, I also dated this one actress woman who was 43/44 and she was ****ing nuts. Unbelievably nuts.
You were already dating when you were 1/32 short of being a year old?

Are you sure you aren't just recalling your relationship with your mom here?
The oldest woman I dated was 45, if I remember correctly, and I was 31/32. It wasn't awkward or anything and the sex is probably some of the best sex I've ever had. She was a darling of a woman, it just didn't work out. Oh, I also dated this one actress woman who was 43/44 and she was ****ing nuts. Unbelievably nuts.

So you dated Demi?
Question is, if you're my age (newly age 30-year-old man who acts 20) would you date your roommate's mom? Please, respond post-haste.
I'm 31, and I used to have an open mind about this and would date 18-40.

However, after some experience in the dating field over the past year or so of being single, I'd have to say it's been narrowed down to 24-34...

Sorry to do this to you, boys and girls... but if I can't see myself using it everyday, I ain't buying that couch.
I'm 31, and I used to have an open mind about this and would date 18-40.

However, after some experience in the dating field over the past year or so of being single, I'd have to say it's been narrowed down to 24-34...

Sorry to do this to you, boys and girls... but if I can't see myself using it everyday, I ain't buying that couch.

As I have learned with friends over the last couple years, if someone starts dating someone under 21 years old then suddenly the range of options for what you can randomly do on a Friday/Saturday night change substantially. This is a thing you don't even think about until you want to walk into a restaurant that serves alcohol at 11 PM and find out they have a bouncer.

Also, that time you find out your date doesn't know who Zach Morris is hurts a lot more than you might think.

Every once in a while I see a pretty girl. Sometimes I'll chat a bit. . . for a minute or two, politely. It's great looking like Methuselah because it doesn't matter what age the girl is, you get to talk to them if you want to. And when you've been around as much as I have, you can figure out a lot about a person in a very short while. I sorta see the sense in the half your age plus seven rule, but not because it's what other people will think isn't weird. I'm all about weird if being weird is defined by being different from what people think is OK. Nope, the reason the half plus seven rule works is just this:

Men always act half their age, and need a good woman with sense enough to keep them outta trouble. The plus seven for the girl is usually sufficient.

My wife is trying to find someone who will stand in for her the rest of my life. Either that, or she's gonna make the case that I should be confined to an institution while she tours Europe with her sister. Her only rule for me is that I need to support myself, and my habits. If I find someone who'll do my laundry, and wants to be a mom, she figures it's all good.

That said, I'd take someone half my age if she can stand on her own two feet in an argument, without either acting scared of talking to me or imagining I know more than she does. The things that would change all that are if she stinks, drinks, uses foul language, watches soaps, shops a lot, or lives in a dung pile. The thing that would over-rule almost anything on the neg side is if she has a habit of rolling outta bed and doing stuff with a purpose until it's time to call it a day.

But seriously, even at my age, I like older women better because they treat you better. It's all about the compassion, baby.
As I have learned with friends over the last couple years, if someone starts dating someone under 21 years old then suddenly the range of options for what you can randomly do on a Friday/Saturday night change substantially. This is a thing you don't even think about until you want to walk into a restaurant that serves alcohol at 11 PM and find out they have a bouncer.

Also, that time you find out your date doesn't know who Zach Morris is hurts a lot more than you might think.

1) HAHA for having the no booz below 21 rule.
2) HAHA for having bouncer who check womens' ID.
3) Who's Zach Morris?
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