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"David Locke" of the Grizz breaks down the Jazz


Well-Known Member
I like this guys take on the Jazz other than the end when he goes into Homer mode. Always fun to read what other teams guys think of the Jazz. Here is a short:
clearly the most captivating story line surrounding the Utah Jazz is their remarkable depth, potential, and productivity on the front lines. Al Jefferson and Paul Millsap make the veteran half of the bunch. Both are built, strong guys, who are very good at getting positioning, and consequently are exceptional rebounders. The other half of the group consists of the athletic freak and shot-blocking-extraordinaire-to-be, Derrick Favors, and the next incarnation of the WWE’s Undertaker, Enes Kanter.

And link if you want to read all of it. Its worth a look.
It was a lttle homerish at the end but not by alot. In all I think it waswell written. Nice to see the fans of another top 5 post play team think so highly of ours.

I'd say the top 5 post teams (no order are ) Jazz, Grizzlies, Lakers...what last 2 do you think fit?
Good question Stoked. Hard to say but if I had to pick 2 more it would be Dallas and the Knicks.

Dallas has Dirk, Kaman, Brand, Marion as there 4 main post players. While very long in the tooth all of these players still have a pretty good game. Dirk and Kaman on Offense and Brand and Marion on defense make them pretty hard to both guard and score on.

The Knicks have Chandler, STAT, Camby, and sometimes Melo as there front line. Camby still a good defensive Center and Chandler in the defending DOP. STAT and Melo bring the offense. With this team its all about how they work together because the talent is definitely there.

On the Bubble would be Indiana: Hibbert, West and Phyco T.
Also OKC: Ibaka, Perkins, Collison, PJ3.
I like this guys take on the Jazz other than the end when he goes into Homer mode. Always fun to read what other teams guys think of the Jazz. Here is a short:

And link if you want to read all of it. Its worth a look.
Shaun says:
September 14, 2012 at 9:54 am
The Jazz will be tough to beat. Many Utah players can play more than one position and matching them will be an opposing coach’s nightmare.

Millsap starting as a S.forward would allow the big three to beat down most teams. THEN the Jazz bench could come in with a serious second crew of Foye (P.guard), Burks (S.guard), MarvinW., Kanter (C), Carol (P.forward). All of this second crew could be decent starters and would hold off the opponents until the three big men come back in to continue the beat down.

Yes, ESPN ranked the Jazz #4 in the league for the 2012-2013 season, and I believe this is why.

This is a comment made after the write up. Is this true or did he mean to say 4th in the division?
THEN the Jazz bench could come in with a serious second crew of Foye (P.guard), Burks (S.guard), MarvinW., Kanter (C), Carol (P.forward). All of this second crew could be decent starters and would hold off the opponents until the three big men come back in to continue the beat down.

That unit would make Foye and Marvin look horrible.
I like it:
Another thing that makes me weary regarding a matchup against Utah is the Gordon Hayward issue. For some reason, he was able to light us up one night last year, and muster 7 free throw attempts in another. He’s one of those sneaky Kevin Martin-like guys, and it’s no secret what they can do to us.

Enemy: Utah Jazz
Coach: Tyrone Corbin
Potential Starting 5: Mo Williams, Gordon Hayward, Marvin Williams, Derrick Favors, Al Jefferson
Other Key Players: Randy Foye, Paul Millsap, Enes Kanter, Alec Burks, Demarre Carroll
Threats: Interior muscle, Interior depth, Rebounding, Three point shooters

Has anyone ever listed three point shooting as a Jazz strength or threat? I'm giddy with excitement.
We should be very, very happy if Hayward can be anything like Kevin Martin offensively but anything but Kevin Martin defensively.
By the way, when I see that the short hand for the blog is 3sob.com, I don't think of the words 3 Shades Of Blue.
Good question Stoked. Hard to say but if I had to pick 2 more it would be Dallas and the Knicks.

Dallas has Dirk, Kaman, Brand, Marion as there 4 main post players. While very long in the tooth all of these players still have a pretty good game. Dirk and Kaman on Offense and Brand and Marion on defense make them pretty hard to both guard and score on.

The Knicks have Chandler, STAT, Camby, and sometimes Melo as there front line. Camby still a good defensive Center and Chandler in the defending DOP. STAT and Melo bring the offense. With this team its all about how they work together because the talent is definitely there.

On the Bubble would be Indiana: Hibbert, West and Phyco T.
Also OKC: Ibaka, Perkins, Collison, PJ3.

Philadelphia immediately becomes a big time inside threat with Bynum. He's got his issues but that dude can get it done inside.
Who else is an inside threat on that team besides Bynum?

You are correct to bring up the dearth of PF there. However Bynum by himself makes that team an inside power. Yes they have a bunch of C's and not enough PFs. But seriously, it's easy to trade for PFs. Those guys are going to be for real.
You are correct to bring up the dearth of PF there. However Bynum by himself makes that team an inside power. Yes they have a bunch of C's and not enough PFs. But seriously, it's easy to trade for PFs. Those guys are going to be for real.

Thaddeus Young is undersized at PF but he serious inside threat off ball, slashing or on the offensive boards. He can also blow by most PF's by facing them up. Defensively however he gives up a little. But Philly 2nd best post player is probably Turner.
I just got around to reading this. It's not very homerish to me, even at the end. I find it odd that Rudy Gay wasn't mentioned as he's the guy I see as giving the Jazz the most problems.
I actually really liked this artical. for him not being a jazz fan he did pretty good. he is mistaken about one thing though.... we arnt just going to be a handful or give the griz fits.. we will spend some time every game walking all over them. i think our starters will be comparable. but it dosent matter how you switch up our bench, i think our bench will kill other benches. our bench alone would be a decent starting five... dont yall think? i am bias but honestly... if they got decent playing time our bench is good.
There have been an article or two about how the Jazz do not see much drop off once bench players come in. I think once againt he Jazz will dramatically suprise people. Which they will of course play off as...oh it's the Jazz. The always do this.

Like how they were supposed to be at the bottom of the league last year. I mean just in the gutter and they landed the 8th seed.
our bench alone would be a decent starting five... dont yall think? i am bias but honestly... if they got decent playing time our bench is good.

There's no doubt about that.
Kanter, Favors/Millsap, Hayward/Marvin, Burks, and Tinsley could definitely be starters on lower tier teams in the league.
There's no doubt about that.
Kanter, Favors/Millsap, Hayward/Marvin, Burks, and Tinsley could definitely be starters on lower tier teams in the league.

That line up v. the Bobcats, Kings, Cavs, Raptors and Wizards. Go!
I think i am most excite to watch this whole thing gel together this year.. its going to be good. i havent been this excited since deron ak boozer and okur....