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Deadspin - Westbrook restructuring contract - greedy billionaire


Well-Known Member
Ouch... anyone else read the Deadspin article by Chris Thompson?


Didn't know what I was getting into when I first started reading, but he laid into Fertitta and made a good case - leveraging Westbrook's desire to move to Huston to line his own pockets...

We just had an article on Gale and the Jazz... so nice to root for a team with such solid and decent ownership.
Now... if similar contract structuring were to be requested by the Jazz FO for Rudy or DON in the next year or two... I'm sure I'll see it as good for the team... but it's pretty easy to believe in the Miller family when they put the team in a Legacy Trust. Chris couldn't write a similar article, cuz the dollars saved don't go into Gale's or the family's pockets... but stay w/ the team.