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Death Threat at Utah State

Because there is so much to be had from criticizing trends in video games? If these were her goals, she would have stopped a long time ago.

She did gain 150.000 dollars if I recall correctly. 144.000 dollars more of her pledged goal. She also gained good amount of popularity, good or bad. There is no denying that all those threats helped her cause.

I don't see it this way but I don't dismiss it altogether either.

I think a sense of duty is a strong possibility, and that the reason it expressed itself via video games is that Sarkeesian is likely a fan of such games.

Many people, including other feminists, find things to criticize about Sarkeesian's work, but she's the only one doing it on a regular, detailed level.

I think she wants to bring feminism to the areas that it has not reached yet, not because she is a gamer.

I was happy to hear that someone decided to do it. As I have said before I appreciate it but she should have stopped with the first video. I believe what she is doing now is further alienating gaming and feminism.

Are you speaking of the original game, or the overall series? I haven't played any of them, but my understanding is that, in the original game, Zelda is powerless within the context of the game.

Everything that is canon. What do you mean by the context of the game? Gameplay? Lore?

I don't think anyone disputes that games in general, and the Mario games in particular, have gone back and forth on this issue.

I misunderstood your earlier sentence. Princess Peach being playable doesn't change her character in any way but it also makes her capable of what Mario and Luigi can do in a different way, in her style which wasn't the case in the first game.

agree that using fan art without permission is wrong (I assume this is what you mean by "sources"), but I don't see how that affects the accuracy of the content of her videos.

By sources, I meant references where you can check things but waiting so much from a youtube video may have been a mistake on my part. It's mostly opinion based anyway.
I don't think anyone claims there are no exceptions to the use of the various tropes.

You could probably make an argument that the reason the surprise of Metroid was such a surprise is that it runs counter to highly prevalent practices.

Question is how often does it have to happen for it to no longer be an exception?

Also is any credit given for games where the hero is a male but he takes orders from a female?

Super Mario Galaxy, Halo series, Resistance series....
Everything that is canon. What do you mean by the context of the game? Gameplay? Lore?

A mixture of the two, actually, in the first game. The strong, fierce, capable woman who nevertheless needs the help of a man, because she can't handle things on her own, is a very old trope that certainly seems to be to have sexist overtones. YMMV.

By sources, I meant references where you can check things but waiting so much from a youtube video may have been a mistake on my part. It's mostly opinion based anyway.

I agree that what she does on the videos would be inadequate for serious, scholarly work.

As for being over-funded on Kickstarter, she had to create the Kickstarter page before getting funding, establishing that the decision to look at video games came first.
Question is how often does it have to happen for it to no longer be an exception?

Also is any credit given for games where the hero is a male but he takes orders from a female?

Super Mario Galaxy, Halo series, Resistance series....

When it's happened so often that a Metroid-like reveal surprises no one.

I don't know if Sarkeesian discusses those games or not. As I mentioned, I have not watched much of her series.