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Deron to the Mavs...not so fast

Deron is not worth the max anymore. He is down to 41% from the field and averages about 4 turnovers a game - those hurt real bad. Good luck to anyone that signs him to the max, it won't be the Jazz.

You either don't know anything about basketball or you're just incredibly short-sighted. Or both. Have you even watched Deron this year or are you just looking at box scores? His shooting is that low and his turnovers that high because he's basically trying to do everything for an absolutely godawful team. He's been the only true offensive threat on the entire roster. (Especially before the Gerald Wallace trade - and even GW isn't what he was 3 years ago.) He's the only guy defenses pay any attention to. He is carrying the S**T out of that team. He's easily a top-12 player in the NBA, still. Yes, he is worth the max.
LA would have to cut Bynum loose (for nothing) JUST to be allowed to do a sign-and-trade (and lose Gasol in the process, at least). I don't see a conceivable scenario where Deron ends up in LA.

One of the espn columnists was saying that the Lakers could sign and trade Gasol, a scenario similar to the Dwight-to-LA rumors.
They have Lamarcus. He is a pretty good big. Their just isn't too many places he can go. And there is no way KOC would sign Deron. I want him back but it isn't happening. Especially with new CBA rules.

It doesn't really matter anyways. Anywhere he goes it isn't going to be the greatest situation, DAL, NJN, POR, ect..
His best hope was a Dwight pair up. There isn't stars left really. It wouldn't even surprise me if he stayed in NJ and just said screw it.

I think several teams could work a sign-and-trade like Denver did to move Melo to NY.
So let's ignore the mess that was Deron's farewell party for a second. Can a professional explain to me if we could keep all of our youth plus sign Dwill salary-wise (after rookie contracts)?

I'm just wondering if we are letting one of the 4 go by default in the off chance that either party is even considering this.

I guess the Jazz would have three years to figure that out. Sounds plausible-salary wise, since KOC should be able to make appropriate trades to choose who to keep if all 4 pan out.
Now that Howard isnt leaving i dont see how Dallas is such a great option..Theyd have to gut most of the team and while Dirk is still great hes getting up there in age and only has a few years at most left as a great great player
Here is what I got out of the article. Dallas needs cap space desperately. Adding a first round pick to their roster us only going to hinder trying to get DWill. Sounds like a perfect chance to buy a draft pick. The way that Dallas is playing they will not have a top 10 record this season. KOC, talk to Greg and get ready to write a check.
You either don't know anything about basketball or you're just incredibly short-sighted. Or both. Have you even watched Deron this year or are you just looking at box scores? His shooting is that low and his turnovers that high because he's basically trying to do everything for an absolutely godawful team. He's been the only true offensive threat on the entire roster. (Especially before the Gerald Wallace trade - and even GW isn't what he was 3 years ago.) He's the only guy defenses pay any attention to. He is carrying the S**T out of that team. He's easily a top-12 player in the NBA, still. Yes, he is worth the max.

What is he carrying exactly? Prokhorov's groceries? They have 20 wins, and will end up worse than last year. Perhaps you weren't watching last year when he was on the Jazz, 28-26 when traded, it would appear our rookies have equaled the loss of a max player, or he simply isn't one.....
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Portland has:
(a) no reputation for getting 3+ quality players back in exchange for trading Deron Williams
(b) no fan base that thinks he got a legend to walk midseason when he should've done so or should've been graciously farewelled or fired seasons ago so the Jazz could pick up Rick Carlisle, Tom Thibodeau, or maybe Rick Adelman when they were available
Holy hell mods here are such hypocrites. If this was my thread it would have been moved in 3 seconds. BS.
LA would have to cut Bynum loose (for nothing) JUST to be allowed to do a sign-and-trade (and lose Gasol in the process, at least). I don't see a conceivable scenario where Deron ends up in LA.

So? It's not like Bynum stays in games anymore anyway!

Hey yo!!!
This is a win win win situation.

Anyone see the office here? Anyone remember this episode?

If Duron goes to Dallas, meh. Who cares? Dallas isn't that good anymore. Kidd and Terry are running out of juice. Dirk looks like he has lost a step. Marion can't keep this up. And Chandler has left. Dallas lost its mojo without the Flea Barea, the 2nd best defensive center in the league (Chandler), and hard *** Deshawn. they ain't no championship team no mo. Even with Duron.

Porty? Cool. Give Duron the max. That way, they'll have millions upon millions tied up between Duron and Wes Matthews. That team still sucks. Lamarcus is softer than Ostertag. And their franchise still has the injury curse.

Lakers? I hope he goes there. Kobe is wearing down. The Lakers seem to lose on the road about as much as we do. Artest can't shoot. Even if Lamar comes back, that dude is all washed up. Personally, I think the Lakers have a point guard in sessons. What they need are SFs, bench players, and a 7 foot 300 lbs center that doesn't think he's Larry Bird.
Hopefully the Lakers are stupid and end up giving up one of their bigs (like Gasol) to help clear up space for Duron. If they do? I can't wait to see them miss out on the playoffs or struggle to make the 8th spot.

Basically, unless Duron goes to Miami, no matter where he goes the team isn't going to be a real "contender."

1. Dallas is older than dirt and has lost their mojo without those 3 players. Half of Dallas's roster belongs in a resting home.
2. Porty has waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many holes in it.
3. LA doesn't need a point guard. They need shooters, athleticism, and bench players. And a center who isn't a crybaby. And the Zen Master... And the Fountain of youth, Kobe's shooting sucks. He was limping last game. He's wearing down... And a fan base that actually cheers...
One thing that everyone seems to be forgetting here, are the "leadership qualities" duron has....

He doesn't make teams better folks. He has become a toxin. He isn't a leader. He'll help ruin the team that he signs with this offseason. Especially if he's the (only) superstar on that team. I could see someone like Kobe keeping him in line. But I don't see Dirk able to keep him in line with his passive attitude. Or Lamarcus, who would rather be painting his nails rather than posting up.

So even if he wanted to come back here to Utah, I wouldn't touch him. Why? So he can undermine the coach just like he did before? Do we really want to have an Orlando Magic situation on our hands? So he can criticize moves that ship "his crew" outta town? Do we really want his entitled attitude back? Do we really want to overspend for a PG? Do we really want to see him get pissed and yell at Hayward again? Could you imagine, with our team as young as it is, Deron would on a nightly basis be yelling at Hayward, Burks, Favors, and Kanter..... Ohhh especially Kanter... "PUT THE MOTHER ****ING BALL UP! DON'T BRING IT DOWN FOR GUARDS TO STRIP IT! JUST DUNK IT! ****!"

No thanks.

Sign Dragic. Or roll with Harris. Or just get something out of the draft.
What is he carrying exactly? Prokhorov's groceries? They have 20 wins, and will end up worse than last year. Perhaps you weren't watching last year when he was on the Jazz, 28-26 when traded, it would appear our rookies have equaled the loss of a max player, or he simply isn't one.....

First of all, you don't even have your facts straight. They were 31-26 when he was traded. As for the Nets, no, they're not going to be worse than last year. Last year, in an 82-game season, they won 24 games. This year, in a 66-game season with 9 games left, they have 20 wins. Last year their winning percentage was .293. This year it's .351.

Get. Your. Facts. Right. Moron.

Second of all, you're just being deliberately obtuse. Last year's team had only been struggling for a month and you know it. In mid-January, they were 27-13 and one of the top teams in the NBA. YOU KNOW THIS. They were 27-13 despite Jefferson not getting off to a great start in Utah, despite getting almost nothing from their first-round pick up to that point, despite having no other guards or wings worth crap. (Do you remember last year's team? Boozer and Matthews gone. Okur hurt. Kirilenko past his prime. The disastrous signing of Raja Bell. Nothing from Hayward. Jefferson not fitting in. Williams and Millsap were the only bright spots. Again: They were 27-13.) You're essentially judging last year's team based solely on a chaotic one-month period during which Williams and Sloan were butting heads and Sloan eventually quit.

Oh, and do you remember what happened after Deron was traded? Of course you do. You're just playing dumb. The Jazz were 8-17 after the trade. You're also conveniently ignoring the previous 5 years, but I guess I can't really expect a more reasoned argument from you. You've proven yourself incapable of the task.

As for your original question, about what Deron is carrying. Once again, I ask you whether or not you've actually watched the Nets much this year, because I highly doubt it. I have watched the Nets. These are the facts: He has been their only offensive threat. Defenses are swallowing him up because they know he is the only offensive threat. Do you know the Nets' roster? They have one real player - Deron - and a bunch of players who have at best one skill. There's Kris Humphries, who's a great rebounder but doesn't do much else. There's Anthony Morrow, who's a great 3-point shooter but doesn't do much else. And those have been their second- and third-best players! The rest: Shelden Williams, Jordan Farmar, DeShawn Stevenson, Johan Petro, Damion James, Sundiata Gaines, Jordan Williams, Gerald Green (who has been out of the NBA for three years for god's sake), and MarShon Brooks, a promising rookie who nonetheless is still a rookie, and not especially adept at the NBA yet. Oh, and there's Brook Lopez, who's been injured for almost the entire season. (Five whole games!)

So yes, as I said in my original response, Deron is basically trying to do everything on a terrible, terrible team. When you're trying to carry the entire load like that (and when defenses are focusing all their attention on you), your shooting goes down and your turnovers go up. This is how it works. This is not difficult to understand.
One thing that everyone seems to be forgetting here, are the "leadership qualities" duron has....

He doesn't make teams better folks. He has become a toxin. He isn't a leader. He'll help ruin the team that he signs with this offseason. Especially if he's the (only) superstar on that team. I could see someone like Kobe keeping him in line. But I don't see Dirk able to keep him in line with his passive attitude. Or Lamarcus, who would rather be painting his nails rather than posting up.

So even if he wanted to come back here to Utah, I wouldn't touch him. Why? So he can undermine the coach just like he did before? Do we really want to have an Orlando Magic situation on our hands? So he can criticize moves that ship "his crew" outta town? Do we really want his entitled attitude back? Do we really want to overspend for a PG? Do we really want to see him get pissed and yell at Hayward again? Could you imagine, with our team as young as it is, Deron would on a nightly basis be yelling at Hayward, Burks, Favors, and Kanter..... Ohhh especially Kanter... "PUT THE MOTHER ****ING BALL UP! DON'T BRING IT DOWN FOR GUARDS TO STRIP IT! JUST DUNK IT! ****!"

No thanks.

Sign Dragic. Or roll with Harris. Or just get something out of the draft.

You're absolutely, 100 percent clueless about how the NBA works. I (among others) have explained in past threads how idiotic and clueless your line of thinking is, but I don't really have the energy to go into it all again. The short version is that Deron is no different from other NBA superstars (ALL of them) in his behavior, ego, etc, and that no NBA team ever wins without a superstar of that caliber. NBA teams deal with the diva behavior - at least, the ones who want to win deal with it.
The big reason he would want to go to Dallas basketball wise is Dirk.
But how much longer will he be a "superstar" high level player?

At least Deron knows that Cuban isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get players. He knows he would be trying hard to build a team for him.
There is only so much you can do though with an aging superstar, and a salary cap.
You're absolutely, 100 percent clueless about how the NBA works. I (among others) have explained in past threads how idiotic and clueless your line of thinking is, but I don't really have the energy to go into it all again. The short version is that Deron is no different from other NBA superstars (ALL of them) in his behavior, ego, etc, and that no NBA team ever wins without a superstar of that caliber. NBA teams deal with the diva behavior - at least, the ones who want to win deal with it.


Cool story bro.

I'm sorry you spent two straight post in this thread defending Duron.

And here I thought all the Duron apologists had left this board to join the Nets board! silly me!
If Deron wants to win a title he has two options: stay in NJ and try to being someone to NJ to play with him. Howard is still a very real possibility. Or come back to Utah and hope Favors and Burks become his superstar allies.

That being said, can you imagine how credible Utah becomes if Deron comes back and we win a title? Utah becomes Green Bay overnight.